Ascension is not a condemnation of your existence, but a liberation of it! It's especially beneficial to do this during any time that you feel any of the uncomfortable ascension symptoms in the head or crown area. October 25, 2013. Its always shifting! Listed below are physical symptoms of ascension you may experience; Head You might experience headaches Feel dizzy Feel Lightheadedness Ears Popping or air pressure changes Hear ringing or buzzing sounds Earaches Body Pain Back pains, especially mid-lower sections Experience joint pains, Shoulders and knees Feel like you are in your golden years. Are you experiencing one of the Top 10 Symptoms of Ascension? The eustachian tube helps to restore equilibrium during changes in pressure. So, being self-responsible for how you direct yourself is key in 2020 and beyond. In the early years of the physical body Ascension Process 1999 on my body would register any solar activity as severe "Ascension Flu"; body aches and pains, low-grade fever, chills, headache, and all around sick flu-like feelings. Repeated intense inner body heat hot flashes; hands and/or bottoms of feet extremely hot Ascension and spiritual enlightenment are associated with a lot of mental strain. Trust your process. Bumps all over head 4. We had reached a critical mass of souls who had risen in consciousness to a high enough level, to bring the 5D reality in for all. Ear downloads are the way that high vibration 5D information is absorbed by your energy body. In simple words, the headaches associated with the ascension process often feel like your head is filled with energy. I have a healing Guided Meditation to help with families. Ascension involves a return to complete "Oneness with God" If you do not, energy can become stuck and cause painful muscles and joints. It seems I have failed at every attempt to make a difference. . The one you are meant to radiate into the world. She loves to read people and uses energy reading, tarot, numerology, graphology, astrology, I-Ching, EFT, and natural healing. When this Chakra is stimulated or opens up old fear and anger issues may come to the surface to be released. When you experience any headache during the ascension process, its important to stay calm and relax as much as possible. Theyll say, Youve changed. Emotional/Psychological Symptoms: Nervousness, fear,feeling isolated, anxiety attacks, fear of public speaking,lack of creativity, attention deficit disorders, poor coping skills, too talkative or too shy, the need to be an expert, deceit, inability to speak ones opinion, hyperactivity, nightmares. lightheadedness, tremors, brain fog, fleeting aches and pains(nothing major), decreased and/or increased appetite, the weight gain shpeelall of it, so it seems, and perhaps a meditation visit by Quan Yin. Represents: Communication; Creativity; Self Expression; Your Authentic Truth This may simply sound like white noise at this time, as your brain has no idea how to translate it into meaningful language. * Needing less or more sleep than usual. Its the layers of your energy body, which create your field of light (your auric field) through which you experience, interchange with and interpret life. Your etheric wings open up and extend, as you further develop your light body and spiritual energy field. It can often be mistaken for feeling like your heart is palpitating or skipping a beat. I have experienced some of the most explosive headaches, head re-wiring, head work, than I have compared to other years. Ascension involves a shift from one dimension or plane of reality to another Ringing in your ears ( tinnitus) Muffled hearing. Focus on the feelings in your dreams, They tell you everything. Sore neck and shoulders - You could find that your neck becomes stiff (extending down to your shoulders) when youre not accepting the new information and higher vibration coming down into your physical body. Souls love to learn and grow through the process of not only physical evolution, but also of spiritual evolution. Enjoy the blog, and please say hello! When does it shift? The pressure in the head can also signify that you are about to have a spiritual breakthrough. Recommended:8 Signs You Are Going Through Energetic Changes Associated With Recent Waves. We all need the downward spiral to ground us in a healthy relationship with earth, but when it is unbalanced, then it becomes a pathology. So many in our community of light have.4D into 5DAs our world has progressively been challenged to wake-up and grow over the last 20 years, with the sharing of ideas and information now becoming near instant, the concept of time and the gap between thought and thing has diminished. Certainly, this is a challenging moment in our Transformation process. The New Language of Energy, Symptoms Without a Diagnosis - The New Language of Energy, Chakra Healing - How to Balance Your Chakras, Copyright When you have a headache during the ascension process, it's vital to remain as cool and calm as possible. Noticing double/triple digit numbers - The SIGNS - Number sequences will begin to jump out at you. We call these rays photonic Light. I am working with painting, and the Language of Light transmissions are part of what I am doing now. We, as the collective consciousness, are experiencing this together, though everyone has their own time frame of how it shows up for them, and how they experience their journey. You can always get checked out by a medical professional to rule out any concerns, but I would trust your instincts. This is somewhat tied to the first tip. Upper back pain or itching between the shoulder blades - Right in between your shoulder blades is where your wings of light are located. One can meditate on the crown chakra by visualizing a white light or stream of energy pouring into the crown. All other uses are strictly prohibited. Get your FREE Starseed Power Activation video! As for the shift in eyesight, it could be you getting older, but if it doesnt run in the family, or the eyesight shift is dramatic, again you could see an eye doctor to get things ruled out, but changes in seeing is also a symptom of ascension, especially if you are also seeing pinpricks of light, or noticing that your inner vision is shifting as a result. inner ear clicking, pressure like when you change altitude, hearing non-physical voices and strange sounds; low-grade fever, chills, body and bone pains, aches and exhaustion when there's heavy solar and/or . Throughout the ascension process, and especially during times of accelerated change, with surges of high vibrational light frequency, you may experience certain ascension symptoms. Changes in body temperature, including hot flashes and sweating without cause. I went through a thorough spiritual awakening about 7 years ago, and am experiencing what may be ascension symptoms now. The next time I saw him, he said that he did indeed feel calmer, and that when the alarms go off, he knows theyre just alarms. See my recent blog post on this. . I gave also had ringing in the ears and pressure in temples. It is a common symptom of energetic growth. This can take some time to be achieved. Symptoms. Bring about changes in your life and discover how the chakras work and how you can improve your mind and body health by working with the chakra centers. You can take this opportunity and join with the thousands of awake and aware souls globally, who are successfully ascending on their spiritual path every week with The Tip-Off. But we are all expanding as a collective! You have! Ear popping and ear pressure symptoms descriptions: It feels like your ears are popping more than usual. Feeling that everything youve ever known has been a lie - As your 5D awareness grows and you reflect deeply on your past, you could feel that everything youve ever known and/or have been taught has been a lie. Ascension headaches are not normal headaches and feel quite strange. Like it or not the Forerunners of the Forerunners are still having Ascension symptoms in 2014. AS YOUR OUTER BODY LAYERS GROW AND ACTIVATE - YOUR PHYSICAL BODY CHANGESAnd because of this higher awareness (of 5D) that so many are opening up to, theyre experiencing very real changes to their physical body, as a result. Relationship problems, faithlessness, uncommitted, distrustful, detached, unforgiving, intolerance, lack of compassion, hopelessness, heartache, grief, lack of joy, apathy, feeling isolated, self hatred, frequent crying, neediness/clinginess, suffocating others in loving and giving, lack of independence, naiveity. Inability to concentrate. TMJ symptoms (ringing in ears, sore jaws, hurting teeth, trouble chewing) 6. Ascension symptoms, or sickness, may include, but are not limited to: Headaches, nausea, depression, loneliness, electrical zaps, sensitivity to light and sounds, body pain, tooth pain, fatigue, and ringing in the ears. You are an energy being (a being of pure spirit) whos core intelligence is SOUL. Its not a lie, its just that you havent tapped into the wholeness of multi-dimensional reality. Anyways, thank you for your article! There is a lot of activity happening on a physical and spiritual level here. Theres also a feeling of intense energy or heat in the head region. Emotional/Psychological Symptoms: Confusion, brain fog, trouble concentrating, panic, inability to concentrate or stay focused, spacey, too logical or too abstract, scattered or racing thoughts, forgetfulness, inability to remember dreams, inability to meditate, visualize or connect with inner guidance, learning difficulties, nightmares, seizures, neurological disorders, personality disorders and neuroses, hallucinations. 2011-2019 Soul loves it when you apply your direction. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. I welcome your loving interactions Sending you my love and support, as youexperience your soulElizabeth , Sign up to receive news and updates. At Ascension sites of care, our goal is to deliver care for the whole you - your physical and emotional health. Increased self-awareness of your old patterns - As your consciousness grows, so does your ability to reflect and make self-responsible determinations of where and how youve developed repetitive patterns because of choices youve made. Lethargy - This can occur when youre not treating your physical body well during periods of pronounced cosmic energy shifts. Wednesday October 23rd I got hit hard with some solar energies/transmissions. Also, watch The Secret. We live in a multi-verse of vibration - of light and sound. Anxiety - Many 'Empaths may feel anxious because of the lower-level (often negative) energy that they pick up and absorb from others and a toxic environment. I have a Guided Meditation to invoke your goddess within. We are all in this together. This tip can make all the difference, am I right? Many people have reported an increase in what the medical profession calls tinnitus ringing sounds and buzzing sounds in the Ear or both ears. Extreme sweating with every Kundalini hot flash Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker or in intense energy; feeling stress. A strong desire to find your purpose - This goes along with a desire to break free and can also include career dissatisfaction. Rest your eyes frequently by closing them and being still. 2. This is because you and your twin flame are conducting an extremely powerful energy flow. Both are connected into the nervous system and the brain. Make sense? stomach issues. Ascension begins as a Spiritual Awakening The past 12 months - energy ascension Living with a 5D influence for over 12 months now, has been accelerating everyone's energy.For indeed, when you're aware of and working with your spiritual reality (the fifth dimension of light) you accept 'change' as being a fundamental foundation of spirit - of who you are. Because of this, we then begin to understand how truly connected we are. You could find that youre constantly being inspired with new ideas. However, from what I see, hes just really one very tapped in individual whose awakening he doesnt yet understand, and hadnt received context around. I have successfully diminished the number of professional commitments I have after a long time of running from job to job to project to project to job, in an effort to simplify and create more space to be with myself, my friends, and my deeper needs and desires. Wanting to be on your own - Many feel the need to cocoon off from others and their old way of life when ascending in 5D consciousness. Check out my articles, Manifesting 101: How To Place Your Order In The Cosmic Kitchen And Get Served! and How To Tell The Difference Between Intuition And When Its Just Your Ego Talking. 4. How To Spiritually Connect With Someone Far Away, The Spiritual Significance of a Blue Moon 10 Fascinating Symbolism, What Does it Mean When Your Right Wrist Itches? Good on you for simplifying your schedule, to make room for your needs and what nourishes you. Overwhelming, sudden fatigue requiring that you lie down and rest, or feeling very energized despite little sleep. Having this vital information at your fingertips, truly does help in making wise decisions that advance your purpose and path. PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS . THIS IS THE BLOG OF ELIZABETH PERU Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved | Deltawaves elizabethperu.comCopyscape scans the internet for plagiarism of this blogpost For clarification or questions on usage and copyright, please contact the team: assist@elizabethperu.comTo stay informed and up-to-date with ALL of the latest energy shifts, follow my guidance in The Tip-Off Global Energy ForecastReceive the audio replay of my popular webinar Your Ultimate Guide To Ascension Symptoms Dear Cosmic Community,If youve often wondered why you feel physically, mentally or emotionally challenged without any particular reason or cause, it could be because youre experiencing the very real effects of ascension. What you focus on can manifest at lightning speed, for positive or negative effect. Some people experience ringing in the ears from tension. 2014-2022 Margarita Alcantara Acupuncture, P.C. Now that I have received my Reiki attunement for Master Level, I have so many of these symptoms, including a high pitched ringing in my right ear and my old body fighting my real body Years ago I became closer to my actual spirituality and noticeably seemed to be reverse aging people think I am much younger than 43 I also feel there has been a shift especially since the psndemic and a real war of sorts in the heavens over it. I credit changing my diet (straight away as I woke up) to having accelerated my spiritual growth and increased my empathy and compassion (oneness) for all sentient beings of the light. Concentrating on relaxing the body and using focused breathing techniques will also ease some of the head and crown pressure and discomfort whenever experienced. Shifting friendships and rifts can grow within families - This goes hand-in-hand with relationship shifts and changes. When these glands are fully open, activated and functioning at the highest level, one experiences many spiritual benefits such as an increase in intuition and vision, and a slowing of the aging process. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. Because if thats what your soul wants, that intention is all you need to get more aligned on your path. Many of my patients have recently been expressing things like, What is up with my ears? Co-founder, Youll need to slow down your thinking in order to recall. My faith in my ability to accomplish this goal wavers. Ascension involves the realization of one's true potential as a spiritual being having a human experience" Physical Symptoms: Eye problems, glaucoma, sinus infections, ear problems and hearing difficulties, spinal conditions, and scalp/hair issues, unusual change in rate of hair/nail growth, dandruff, hair loss; headaches and migraines, far sighted/ear sighted,learning disabilities, nervous tension, stroke. Lately I have noticed incredible pressure changes in my ears, and then the ear ringing gets louder after these changes occur. You may not be able to decipher what the messages mean. Some may appear to have it easy, or worse. Airplane ear can occur in one or both ears. Youre receiving instructions on your next steps. Sporadic bursts of energy. This is because there is a lot changes happening on the mental level to accompany the physical changes and spiritual changes occurring in the head chakras. So, it follows that as we are realigned and rewired to connect more fully with our Solar and Galactic heritage, so we will feel changes and movements in this area. You can tap it with your two middle fingers to ground yourself as it flutters, when youre growing in spiritual awareness. Emotional/Psychological symptoms: Oversensitivity, low self-confidence, feeling victimized, self hate, anger, ealousy, manipulative behavior, perfectionism, proocrastination, libido issues, promiscuity, creative blocks, frustration, lack of desire/passion, apathy, guilt, shame, distrust, impatience, ridgid, uptight, unbalanced emotions, emotional dependency, neediness, attachment, addictions, obsessions; eating disorders. For twin flames, the crown chakra pain is often a sign of an intense spiritual connection. The Ascension symptoms you may feel will usually reflect what is clearing and expanding in you. Consider that your entire body (your body of light) is far more complex than just the physical. THE GROWTH OF YOUR BEING AND COSMIC EXPANSION In particular, since the turn of the millennia in 2000, a great cycle of change began on Earth. neck pain. Ascension is basically an upleveling process our physical, emotional, and energetic bodiesgo through, where we awaken into our higher consciousness. Youre creating new thought paths. This is one of the reasons why so many people are feeling out of balance at the moment. Im talking being very aware of past life trauma effecting his present situations, remembering his past lives, seeing things and beings that others cannot physically see, and feeling fear based on external stimuli (for him the alarms that go off in his neighborhood trigger deep fears that his parents might get killed), which are triggers of the past life trauma hes experienced. Its shaped like a butterfly and sits over the sternum in the middle of your chest. You act with integrity and higher consideration and respect for yourself and others. Some people may want to tackle many changes all at once. Some need less sleep - Many will be so awake, excited and inspired that they need less sleep. Dropping objects, clumsiness - This tends to occur when your paradigm has been challenged and your old ways no longer serve you well.