Its all in the head??? Went to see a close friend of 40 years who died the following day. I personally agree with that and I think it is just that people reading it, who have not experienced both, have misinterpreted the statement. I agree dont put off the things that may trigger a return to the with it..iif its a coffee have it if its a wine have it..but do not smoke..dig deep..very deep..find a place that is there but you have not found before that say no morenot ever ..never..and thenjust dont..NO MATTER WHAT..good luck..we can all do this..we can. Oh yes I WAS SMOKING for 46 years and HAFT to say everyones case will be different in my case if I didnt QUIT Id die or spend my life on a machine for air and possibly hooked up to a machine for the rest of my life. Been a smoker since age 15 just turned 44. I love the flavors and want that way more than the nasty cigs now. Any tips most welcome. Im in my 3rd week without cigarettes & the withdrawal symptoms are still with me at times but I think the Buspirone lessons them. Remember, you are going to feel uncomfortable for a time but it will not kill you. 6. 5 days here having that throat scratchy chest tightness thing which really triggers my anxiety! Taking a magnesium supplement will help too , I thought i was doing a good thing by giving up my two cigarettes a day and going to a juul vape. Although fatigue is a vague symptom, the CDC said people who were hospitalized after vaping often reported feeling fatigued either days or weeks after using an e-cigarette. If you are still in the first month of quitting or have yet to start the quitting process yet, then take this section as a reminder that the effects of quitting will soon fade into a healthier, happier, and smoke-free lifestyle! When you cut it out the brain reacts to that and causes side effects like you're feeling. reduces the risk of premature death and can add as much as 10 years to life expectancy. Good luck to everyone on here. Nicotine causes a chemical reaction in the brain and triggers the release of endorphins. Stay strong and dont ever relapse . People save about them. Chest pain; Shortness of breath; Vaping-Related Lipoid Pneumonia. Certain Underlying Lung Sensitivities. Ive seen a cardiologist and he thinks Im fine. One of those things that comes and goes, but sure notice it. Best of luck on your quits and stay away from patches, gum and vapes. I didnt know the withdrawal symptoms were going to be so bad. Now on day six, I feel pretty normal again and the hideous cravings have gone away. My advice to all is this Face it craving by craving. Well into year 4 and at 36 years old, I feel my body failing. She is there to help. Related symptoms of vena cava obstruction include shortness of breath, and a reddening of the skin on your neck or face. I quit smoking on April 18th! 50 years of smoking. I think they changed things up in the last year. Im trying to visualize myself as a non-smoker. This can include cleaning supplies, like bleach, or things such as refilling your car's gas tank. If you find that vaping relaxes you maybe try some 0 nicotine juice. I believe its more addictive than smoking in my experience. I took 3 days off of work before a weekend, and made a bed in the basement to separate myself from my family due to my anger and mood swings. Lets both hope that its gets easiermy blood pressure is now high.hope it goes down. My whole inside of body wants to burst. My stomach hurts like a mofo. Congrats! The one cig a day is prolonging the withdrawal process!!! Tightness in the chest is often caused by your body craving nicotine. As stated in other comments, read Allen Carrs book Easyway to Quit smoking or check out goggle reviews I will make it ALOT EASIER TRUST ME. 8. It cant get it from a cigarette anymore. 20 years smoking. 38 years now! I also am smoking the electric cigarette now too if there are those of you that miss the routine of smoking. I quit cigs 9 mos ago and vaping 3 days ago.. so far Im okay, just uber tired and I have that dry throat/tightness in chest thing going on, but no where near as bad as I thought. It was hell. Practice the 5 D's: Delay Drink Water Do Something Else Deep Breathe Discuss With A Friend I forget to breathe and my chest feels tight. To top everything .. i still able to go to work monday to friday 8-5. I have been having vivid dreams. Im turning 50 in October. However, as a general rule of thumb, many of the physical symptoms like dizziness or a headache fade quickly and are not very severe. If you fall off the ciggy wagon then jump back on. This is week one. Take comfort in numbers. Quitting nicotine is equivalent or worse then heroin and cocain. Especially when I realized that my kids have never known me as a non smoker! But now its not the best option due to some world tendencies. I keep my ID on me and my key card for work thats it. Here's a not-so-friendly reminder that vaping. CDC: E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Adults., CDC: Outbreak of Lung Injury Associated with the Use of E-Cigarette, or Vaping, Products., The Ohio State University: The Effects of Vaping on Your Lungs., CDC: Update: Interim Guidance for Health Care Providers Evaluating and Caring for Patients with Suspected E-cigarette, or Vaping, Product Use Associated Lung Injury -- United States, October 2019., Yale Medicine: E-cigarette or Vaping Product Use-Associated Lung Injury (EVALI)., CDC: Severe Pulmonary Disease Associated with Using E-Cigarette Products.. I am 56 years old and smoked over 40 years. First time I ever took up cigarettes was in college but then was able to quit for 10 years. Inside of mouth is ice cold. I am on day 2, 48 hours in 1 hour. No more foggy head. slight chest tightness after quitting e-cig/vaping ? The urge comes and I am laughing because it is stupid. I think the hardest part for me has been my inability to focus and concentrate. Smoking withdrawal symptoms examined included: irritability, feeling sleepy, sleeplessness, dizziness, coughing, tightness in the chest, constipation, mouth . How has it been going for you? Im having cold sweats, insomnia, crazy lucid dreams, head aches, and weird tightness in my chest. MY INNOCENTS, MY CHILDHOOD, MY FAMILY Cant change the past, but, I can change the future. I got 5 days today off. I quit smoking quite easily for a bit last year but found a crazy excuse to start again. Some people "gulp" their vape and, in effect, swallow some of it while inhaling. Also Wal-Mart has a bottle of sleep aides for $4.00 That is Equate sleep aide. Till now chest congestion and sleeplessness, Been smoking cigs for a long time26 years. Its been 3 weeks no smoking and i started on the vaping. Telling people that you are quitting smoking is a great way to be accountable and get support from other people in the process. I did try vape but didnt like that it burned my throat and made me cough like crazy. I am on day 2 and have not been able to stop crying. I was smoking 6 cigarettes per day. I have a new routine of just enjoying being outside. Tightness in the . Both parents and all adults in my childhood smoked. I started out at 6mg vape and now reduced to 3mg in a month. Annoying that a.) I am sorry for your loss. Gods blessings all. God bless! I HATE CARROTS. Throughout the entire withdrawal process, from day one on, the biggest challenge will be the nicotine cravings and the stress that is associated with them. I am on the 2nd day and definitely have all the symptoms that go along with not smoking for 2 days. Back aches, neck aches, tight chest. I almost look forward to it cuz its the closest I plan to EVER light one of em cancer sticks up again! i have also had the feeling in the right side of my back more recently. I managed to quit by means of cold turkey before for about a year, but when a friend of mine passed away I started all over again. Studies show that nicotine is not only as addictive as other drugs like cocaine or heroin, but nicotine dependency increases the likelihood of cocaine use and vice-versa. Im on day 2. Now that the physical and mental symptoms of withdrawal have calmed down, you can relaxbut not too much! Slight chest pain after quitting vape i quit vaping 4 days ago (mostly if not all disposables for about 3 years) and i am having slight chest pain/tightness that sort of moves on the right side of my chest (different spots on my chest). Smoking cigarettes can have a number of negative effects on a person's lungs. I think that has HELPED. I smoked 1-2 packs a day for a couple years, in the last month cut down to half a pack, Thursday Sunday I smoked 5 a day, then cut out cold turkey. I dont want to go cold turkey, however if the taper down is a prolonged suffer than what to do. Aged 28, smoked 15-20 on a weekday, 20-40 on weekend days for 10 years. I plan on getting to the zero level soon but now I have the headaches and am struggling with that part. I quit cigarettes completely 33 days back and vape a regulated dosage a day. Normally, your lungs might feel tightness or hurt after you stop smoking. THC is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana that gets you high. The physical withdrawal has been hard though. Im amusing its nicotine with draws or labor. I just told my brain LISTEN your lungs will not take in any more smoke . I was experiencing SOB with exertion and had a bad cough. But to be mean and judgemental is not necessary, this is for support and information. You can do it. That is because, by around day 3, the body has cleared itself of all of the nicotine from the last cigarette. I might have lived a smoker, but Im not going to die one. Mindset determines a lot when it comes to success in quitting smoking. Wish every article you read wouldnt recommend vaping to ease cravings, really not helpful when trying to keep the vape, especially considering how I found them more addictive than cigarettes. You know- I considered switching to e cigs and vapes but I just do not want this addiction anymore. Read Allen Carrs book and try to find the webinar on YouTube. I quit vaping 4 days ago and for 2 days now my chest has been feeling really tight and painful. Now, Im doing it on my own terms and am determined to last longer than last time. I prayed about it-and then started Chantix . 25 mg. 32 tablets. I did cut down the vaping slowly though, so that helped. I been smoking for over 57 yrs. now god forbid the dog prob thinks im going to eat her and its all i can do not to go to the store and buy juice for my vapor,but i know i wont, i just cant figure why i have the urges and appetite now after 1 and a half months. About 50 million Americans used to smoke but successfully quit. Yall can do this. I have been at 0 for almost 3 weeks now. Im bookmarking and will be tweeting this to my followers! I am tired of being a smoker, plus it is going to kill me, probably sooner than later. Nicotine affects more than your brain; new research suggests nicotine can raise your blood sugar, too. Random chest pains after quitting. Almost all the symptoms are gone and blood pressure is down to 120/70. Stops you feeling sorry for yourself and feeling like a loser and instead turns your mindset round to rejoicing and embracing your new lifestyle and pitying those stuck in the nicotine trap. Fainting. You can have withdrawal symptoms of nicotine in the form of a headache, sweating, abdominal cramping, or nicotine cravings, says Osita Onugha, MD, thoracic surgeon and director of thoracic surgery research and surgical innovation lab at John Wayne Cancer Institute at Providence Saint Johns Health Center in Santa Monica, California. 38 yo, I havent smoked a cigarette in 12 days after 18 years of a pack a day. My symptoms are horrible, over sweating, shaking, weak, nausea, loss of apatite. Cold turkey! You will also have to deal with smoking nostalgia for the rest of your life. Smoker for 44 years. Get plenty of sleep, take short naps as needed to counter fatigue. Survived the urges so far. Theres still a lot to learn. The same goes for the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.. I feel the way you wrote,towards alcoholics and drug addiction. Yeah!!! I was doing fine and i thought that quitting smoking would improve my running performance. Did it cold turkey back then and again this time. Im so much more irritable and honestly after 20 years of smoking I dont even feel like this is worth it at this point. Katie, good on you, and I relate to what you are saying. This could certainly trigger chest pain because your heart is not pumping blood to all your organs properly. I smoked my last cigarette 1/2/2018 at 4:00 pm.. Its 1/4/2018 at 12:16 pm and i still havent smoked Its hard, but Im LIT..Im all the UP and I have God. Nicotine is an addition, the only way to beat it is to keep it out, all of it. Sarah, after reading your post, I am quitting the same way. I am on day two of quitting. Do not use it!!! I was only able to quit before when I was pregnant with my 2 children but started up again shortly after they were born. As far as withdrawal symptoms from nicotine go, it doesn't really matter whether they are caused by stopping vaping or analogs. Do it for yourself!!!! I am kind of wondering where that led. The mind and body is very powerful and with some will power you can get through anything. I am on my 2nd day of my second attempt to quit vaping. these comments are really helping I got the flue a for 3 days and couldnt smoke slept away most of the cravings so I figured ive ben through the worst already on day 5 this is a great tool for a support group good luck every one and god speed. Within the first 1 to 9 months after quitting vaping, the lung's capacity to clear out mucus and fight off infections significantly increases. As of September 17, the CDC reported over 530 cases of vaping-related illnesses in 38 states and confirmed seven deaths in six states. I toss and turn and when I sleep I have these really bizarre yet realistic dreams i can remember. I quit five days ago, cold turkey. Really trying hard to control irritability, small things make me angry which usually wouldnt. I started at 15 and a half, so been at it almost a decade, Ive probably had at least 80k ciggies so far, but believe it, YOU CAN DO ANYTHING. I went for a long hike with my daughter yesterday and was able to do it without coughing! Similarly, you may experience a temporary period of finding it harder to concentrate when you are going through nicotine withdrawal. Its Oxygen. Instead of that I strongly recommend you try one mini-game: every time you feel anxiety set a mini task for you (for instance take a few squats), and reward yourself with something you love (view youtube or tik tok videos, play a favorite game, take a selfie do anything short-term that brings you happiness) after completing. Every week am improving but dizzy from more than a month and chest discomfort raised suddenly low concentration and short term memory hard to wake up. I read it and it worked for me. This has not been lessening but getting worse and it is a little frightening. I have attached an extract from the web for info . Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms After Quit Smoking and Its Timeline, Thanks for subscribing to our mailing list, Nicotine Tests How Long does Nicotine Stay in Your System, Quitting Smoking Timeline: What to Expect When You Quit Tobacco, nicotine dependency increases the likelihood of cocaine use, What Are the Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms, How Long Do Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms Last, How Does Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms Feel Like. Its not for everyone but Ive been smoke free for a week now thanks to Chantix. Thanks for sharing it helped me, I smoked for 18 years with cigarettes and vaping this last year and this is day 2 without nicotine and day 1 wasnt too bad but day 2 Im getting cravings all day but not sick.. no serious withdrawal symptoms except cravingsgood luck to you allIts mind over matter. This keeps me from going into panic mode when Im extremely irritable. 4 months after quitting cold turkey and im feeling so so bad all and every day I just dont know what to do. And Tsai says the industry is basically unregulated, which means theres no set standard manufacturers have to follow. I was also anxious to go to the casino today but didnt. Id suggest any smoker to get a copy. I have a gambling issue as well. In addition to helping you temporarily escape from any discomfort from nicotine withdrawal, it will also help your body to heal. Took up skoal bandits a couple years later until now. Just like that? I smoked since the age of 13. Ive been smoking since I was 17, im now 33 and have given up the cigs for good, now Im going on to my 3rd week Cold Turkey, and yes Ive seen the and felt and noticed the withdrawal symptoms and boy I actaually looked for info to explain whats going on with me. I jumped at it and in one session I was cured. etc. For the last 8 days I vaped 0mg juice. It has been tough. Okay, this post took a wrong turn. Im on day 6. Otherwise, I would have thought I had something really wrong with me, especially the stomach pains. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms begin to appear very soon after the last cigarette. Carbon monoxide gradually leaves the bloodstream, which helps to alleviate symptoms like shortness of breath. Chinese medicine treatment is straightforward and I have started a course today. its hard to get rid of it , ive been started vaping 3 years ago . No negative side effects and its been super easy. Good luck, you got this, and the cravings cant be as bad as what its doing to your body. Each day using less and less. It will not take the cravings away you still have to be strong and battle it out but it makes it a hell of a lot easier. And I think that was all that I ate as well! Insomnia should peak during weak only come sporadically through the next three weeks. Back then almost everyone smoked. I just refuse to light a cigarette and when I had a craving I told myself NO, I prefer NOT to smoke! No excuses. Also tiredness, foggy head, and a lot of guilt about not doing this sooner. Researchers are not sure why headaches are so common during nicotine withdrawal, but it may have something to do with the fact that smoking constricts the blood vessels that lead to the brain, and blood vessel changes, in general, are often linked to headaches. JavaScript is disabled. You have made it through the intense cravings, the emotional roller coaster, and the physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. I guess one day I will get my body back to the fit being I used to be. Dizziness is also common and is often caused by increased circulation of oxygen to the brain. If you get the sense your teen or young adult child is vaping,. What am I saying. Are these common withdrawal symptoms? Here's Why You're Wrong, Why Smokers Get Fat When They Quit (And How To Avoid Post-Cigarette Weight Gain Yourself), Catch 22 For Diabetics Who Stop Smoking To Improve Their Health, Healing From Severe Chest Pain After Quitting Smoking, 4 months quit smoking but still not recovered from withdrawal, Chest Pains, What could it be? Chest pain from vaping There could be various reasons for chest pain from vaping. i smoked for 30 years and i stopped a month ago and i had no idea of the symptoms. Almost like losing a bad friend. Dont know if i am facing withdrawal symptoms or do i have something else going wrong and should go in for a test. Another reason for chest pain immediately after quitting smoking can be attributed to the fact that your blood vessels are still constricted. over a year ago, ET If you've experienced a vape-related illness or injury and want to share your story, reach out to Julia Naftulin at One study found e-cigarette users were inhaling the metals lead, nickel, chromium, and manganese in concentrations that either approached, met, or exceeded the limits defined as safe by the Environmental Protection Agency. Relatively small things that would ordinarily cause some stress can cause you to snap and become extremely irritable. It worked!!! I gave up, coincidentally, about 2 weeks after getting over Covid. Kept patches in case..but thank God didnt needed them. I have been nauseous, bad headache,dizzy,constipated, panic attacks you name it itve had it. Everyone was right that I WILL quit smoking and I get to decide when and how. I dont know if its the nausea but all day I was producing so much saliva and had the need to go many times either outside or restroom to spit it all out. May God be with us both!!! I have now quite once more going on 3 weeks. Anxiety can be a brutal life altering experience. So vape didnt become a prob for me. happysecret Thanks AngieB! Apart from smoking Im very healthy anyway, gym, active physical job, healthy diet, minimal alcohol so it made sense to finally rub out the one unhealthy thing I do. Fatigue and loss of concentration or mental ability may continue to be bothersome in weeks 2-4. Now I am 77 and still active as a electronic engineer. I thought by day 4 this would be gone. I could re-read what I wrote buy Im tired. Saying its like losing a friend really resonated with me. My whole day revolved around my next cigarette. Many of the patients who were hospitalized after vaping THC or nicotine were reported to have run fevers. ACCEPT I never got the headaches .which is cool. Beware of situations where you will be around a lot of tobacco smoke or around folks that you used to smoke with. I was google withdrawal systems for smoke quitting, because I could just not focus on my work and is oh, so irritated! Quitting smoking 1: improves health status and enhances quality of life. I am currently 25 years of age soon to be 26. Personally, the only real trigger for me is alcohol, which I consume regularly. Was told nothing was wrong with me. I quit in 2018, I have tried it before but this time it was abrupt! Day 3 I dont miss it, I remind myself I can be in control, my anxiety has greatly reduced, the withdraweral is feeling very sick and painful stomach cramps. Last night I felt like someone was jumping on my chest. So, thanks for the sharing. I am 63 years old and have about 130 pack years behind me. 35 years of smoking 3 packs/day of Kools. As soon as you put out the last cigarette, your body will start to come back to its normal state again. Vitamin E acetate comes from vitamin E. Its generally used to thicken liquids, particularly in e-cigarette or vaping products that have THC. You will have to remain vigilant for the rest of your life because relapse can happen even after years without a cigarette. I stopped smoking cold-turkey about 8 years ago. I have a terrible head cold (no its not withdrawal, definitely a bug), Ive also got a tight chest, this morning its quite sore, and Ive started coughing, Im going to loosen up my chest with lots of hot herbal tea. I used Jason Vales app to help me along the lines of Allen Carrs books and it really helped. Hello, Same story I guess. Keep your comments to yourself since like I said you dont have clue. & will get St Johns Wort supplements to try & balance my emotions a bit. Ill just put this out here Ive smoked cigarettes on and off for 15 years. Now that your blood vessels are returning to normal size, your heart rate is back to a safe pace, and your blood pressure is lowered, your risk for a heart attack is lower than while you were still vaping. I am often anxious, Heart Palpitations After Quitting Smoking. I wish you all the very best. I vaped at a 3mg daily. Signs of this potentially fatal complication. I PRAY I AM SUCCESSFUL! I stopped smoking 18 months ago. Hey, been a smoker for 24 years. where do all the tears come from? It is very hard. Going through tough experiences is always easier when you can turn to friends and loved ones for emotional support. I smoked for about 5/6 years. My question for you though is I notice you posted this 3 weeks ago, have you noticed any improvements since then? I used to chain smoke and got same thing. Neither man had any risk factors for heart disease, but both had blood clots in one of the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscles. I did that and am happy with myself. Are you trying to say vaping is fine and has no ill effects, but smoking is the thing thats bad? Believe that you can do it, and you will! I am having hectic withdrawal symptoms. But that doesnt mean vaping nicotine is safer. I have two cigarettes left. Ive recently quit for the second serious time. Best to all who want to quit. Ex-Smokers Reveal What Helped Them Actually Quit Smoking For Good, According to a 2018 study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, daily e-cigarette use doubles a persons risk for a heart attack. Good luck to all! Biut this time and the time before I could not do it. 4 - Less inflammation. How long did your withdraw symptoms last ? I read this whole article on nicotine withdrawal and quitting smoking, and then the author has a little blurb at the end about how he turned to vaping. I completely understand what youre going through. Did I mention Im irritated, I think I might have but I cant remember. The vape was harder for me to quit because I smoke it from when I first woke up til I fell asleep at night. Chantix and Quit-it app. Quit now for 3 weeks, never ever tried before. Let me tell you this, Im tired of hearing how nicotine withdrawal/addiction is worse than heroin addiction. I am truly blessed. On day 3. Im on my 5th day and I am much more relaxed. I quit for 3 or 4 months 7 years ago and it took just one small stressful event as a trigger to go buy cigarettes to just smoke one to deal with the stress. Hi everyone, I am also a former cigarette smoker then became a vape smoker. I really do appreciate hearing everyones stories so I know that I am not alone in feeling these things, and also I have loved to hear how even the depression gets better, it just takes time!! You already know that quitting smoking is an excellent choice to make for your health. 42 years!! I am not going to give in. I decided to stop and vape instead. I didnt slept well last night. Ive just had my last cigarette and after it made me dizzy and feel like throwing up, its time. Think of your loved ones and your health that will benefit from it. Why not try vaping again and see if the symptoms go away.what can it hurt? First of all, determine for what vaping has been used in your life and then find an alternative source of it. If youre here, youre probably trying to quit like I am. The first five days of quitting cold turkey totally SUCKED! A 20-year-old from Utah, Alexander Mitchell, was diagnosed with lipoid pneumonia and later, acute respiratory distress syndrome, because his vape habit caused too much fluid to collect in his lungs. I STARTED SMOKING WHEN I WAS 30 years old. i quit 3 days ago. Guest Try to get in at least 30 minutes a day. The one thing that got me through rough times in very beginning of quitting was Alan Carrs illustrated guide of how to quit smoking the easy way. I have quit 2-3 months back. Ive tried to quit prior and I had nightmares then as well. I have had this problem maybe for the last 3 days and it has gotten more noticeable but not unbearable by any means.