Their primary goal is to form a One World Government, destroying all religions and national governments in the process. Now, through the Neo-Cons, the Communists now own the Republican Party, as well. A Walk Through the Bible with Dr. Lorraine Day Learn How to Understand God's Word From Genesis to Revelation Monday Evenings 6:00 PM Pacific Time Those who join Live will be able to ask questions that will be answered by Dr. Day at the end of the Bible Study. The true purpose of the Illuminati is world hegemony: a One World Order ruled by an elite pretending to represent the common man, but in reality disenfranchising and enslaving the entire population of the world for the Illuminatis own selfish, evil purposes. 11. By supplying arms and money to both sides in wars, the Illuminati divide and conquer, instigating peoples of the world to fight and kill each other to achieve the Zionist Jews objective of world control. YOUR Government is using YOUR money to BUY The rank and file Jews must be terrified into believing that this same thing will happen again - - if any one says any thing bad (even if its true) about any Jew. God loves everyone the same. Will My Body Heal Itself? It only matters if the people in control are offended by what the defendant has said. But their attempts were unsuccessful. The Committee of 300, the 300 richest families in the world, looks to social convulsions on a global scale - followed by depressions, to decimate the economy of all nations, to keep Third World countries in abject poverty and to turn First World countries, such as the U.S.A., into Third World countries. so you can be given access to each Bible study. Lorraine Day, like most false teachers, works a particularly deceptive mixture of Truth and falsehood. The U.S. Government LIES to You CONSTANTLY I want you to experience the daunting, but marvelous path required to reverse your life-threatening disease by natural methods and the ultimate joy and peace that will result from regaining your health, one of the most precious . Holocaust Revisionist, Ernst Zundel, was tried under this ridiculous, unlawful, and treacherous system in Canada. Other Zionist Jewish neo-cons include Paul Wolfowitz, now Chairman of the World Bank, Douglas Feith, formerly Undersecretary of Defense, Richard Perle, advisor to the Pentagon, and Dov Zakheim, former Comptroller of the Pentagon, on whose watch a Trillion dollars went missing. They are encouraged to live in dangerous war zones, such as Israel and the territories to secure the land for their masters, while their leaders live in safety, comfort and luxury in other countries. ALL Ten Planks, except for a portion of one of them (abolition of private property now well on its way to enforcement), have been installed in the U.S. Government. Or is one a Jew because his family is Jewish even though he may not be religious? But as noted above, the leaders of the coming One World Government KNOW that humanity has a need to worship. By so doing, they believe that they are hastening the return of Jesus Christ. (Please see Who is the Church? You aren't sick Because you have Cancer -, The Deliberate Destruction of America and the World. The 2012 Olympics in London Predicted the 2020, The PCR test is a FRAUD if used for Covid-19 says the, To Learn Who Rules Over You, Simply Find Out Who You are NOT, The LYING Jews tried to claim 6 Million Jews were being, The U.S. Government LIES to You CONSTANTLY . It determines who will become rulers, and removes from power those it dislikes. Jewishness is a culture, not an ethnicity. Amazing NEW Book by Dr. Lorraine Day That Contains CRITICAL Information on How She Got Well Who Rewrote the Bible? 3. Orthodox: Traditionalists who observe most of the traditional dietary and ceremonial laws of Judaism. See The Thirteenth Tribe, by Jewish author, Arthur Koestler. The United States is a colony of Israel. It has been said that Judaism IS Talmudism! Questions on Dentistry The Ultimate Joke is on YOU! The United States, at this time in history, has a Communist government, whether you want to believe it or not. Some may call that bribery. *Hans Blix, the UN Chief Weapons Inspector whose information about Iraqi supposed weapons of mass destruction was instrumental in the decision by the U.S. (Neo-cons) administration to invade Iraq, is Jewish. 7. Testimonials Small Pox the Communist Jews You Better Think Again! Israelites: A term used in the Old Testament to define those who were followers of the true God, even though some followed God very poorly. Zionism - 1) Jewish Zionism, and, 2) Christian Zionism: Jewish Zionism: Zionism represents itself as a political movement concerned principally with the establishment of a state in Palestine to be controlled by and for Jews. Dont worry about the CoronaVirus! David Rockefeller sneers at those who say the Trilateral Commission is part of a grand conspiracy to take over the whole world, but he has stated in speeches to Congress that the average citizen of the U.S., or any country, does not have the brains or ability to make the proper decisions about anything, including their own life, therefore, the elite, like Rockefeller and his friends, have the right and the obligation to run the world and everyone in it. ALL their laws and problems! Yet Dr. Day rejected standard therapies because of their destructive side effects and because those therapies often lead to death. You aren't sick Because you have Cancer - She was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and had a lumpectomy of a small tumor. Over three decades ago, Dr. Lorraine Day reversed her destructive and deadly stage four terminal breast cancer without using chemo, radiation or enduring a mastectomy. In the Bible, these terms have nothing to do with ethnicity. 6.Without the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust, and the fear that THIS could happen again, the rank and file Jew would not be so willing to risk his or her life to live in Israel, under rotten conditions - in a state of almost constant war - in order to secure the homeland for their leaders. Israel, through the neo-cons, controls the U.S. Presidency, and the entire U.S. government. On this edition of The Realist Report, we're joined once again by Dr. Lorraine Day to discuss the ongoing COVID-19 "pandemic" and the implementation of a worldwide medical tyranny. They use all peoples to serve their diabolical purposes. How Should We Respond to this ILLEGAL E-mail your full name and e-mail address to It is advertised as the organization that assists governments in improving national health services and in establishing worldwide standards for foods, chemicals, and biological and pharmaceutical products. Dr. Day's Media and Speaking Schedule, ORDERING INFORMATION (How can anyone defend himself against unknown charges?) The rank and file Jews have no idea how expendable they are considered by their own leaders. And they will appear to succeed for a while, bringing the worst carnage that has ever been on the earth - to America, and to the rest of the world. Double Blind When it comes to the rulers, Those who do not fear God, fear the people. MUST WATCH! Then Jacob had 12 sons by four different wives. It is a Totally FAKE Concept! Jews against the Gentiles! Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic Ritual and what is left?, The well known rabbi, Isaac Wise, was emphatic when he concluded: Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.. . Plans to Slaughter SIX BILLION Gentiles. Lorraine Day, MD, The Plan & The Good News About God! Satanic Jew Serial Killer Bill Gates One World Religion/Ecumenism: The New World Order, run from behind the scenes by the Zionist Jews, plans to use religion to bring the masses into their fold. They understand that man has a desire to worship, although they are unaware that it is God Who created this desire in man. Support the belief that the economic principle of traditional Christian or Catholic social doctrine is the economic principle of communism. In the early 1990's, she was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer but rejected standard therapies because of their destructive side effects. I believe that Christianity is NOT a religion, it is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. More Information on the HOAX Pandemic, Their Jesuit Oath demands the initiate to lie, steal or murder, without hesitation, if ordered to do so by his superior. Everyone, eventually, will be in this category. Lorraine Day, M.D., would like you to believe that she has discovered the answer to cancer and that her experience as a patient qualifies her to give advice about cancer. with Dr. Lorraine Day, Learn How to Understand God's Word Believing is Seeing! He is also considered by many to be the Mastermind behind 9/11. Jews say Gentiles Exist ONLY to Serve the Jews! Other Books and Videos Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, Albert Pike, author of the classic treatise of the Masons, Morals and Dogma, has stated: Masonry. ALL spells are evil because they attempt to control another persons life. They will sacrifice Jews as easily as they will sacrifice non-Jews - if it serves their purpose. The most anti-Semitic group of people on earth are the Jews, themselves. If one was an atheist or worshiped pagan gods, he was termed as one of the nations or an Unbeliever.. That is why the Hate Crimes legislation is taking place in America. Encouraged to relocate in Israel because of their experience as farmers, work that the eastern European Jews feel is beneath them, the Iraqi Jews are treated as second class citizens because they work with their hands. That is why the Zionist Jews must intimidate and imprison those who know the truth about the Holocaust.. Is There Any Way to Heal After the Covid Injection? Once enough people learn the truth, their house of cards will come tumbling down! Jewishness is a Culture - - NOT an ethnicity. 6. Never once do they sit down with the Revisionists to discuss the issues! The CDC is LYING to you AGAIN! It was through her experience of speaking out regarding the AIDS epidemic, in addition to her personal struggle with life-threatening cancer, that she learned of the extensive cover-up of truth in politics, medicine and even religion. Turn on the Light: Overcoming Anxiety and Depression Esau was the father of the Edomite nation and NO ONE considers the Edomites Jewish. How could Jacob be Jewish if his twin brother was NOT Jewish? They have developed a plan to divide the entire world into ten regions or Kingdoms, to be ruled by an appointed, NOT elected, governor, under the direction of the United Nations. Their intention is to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world's population by 5.5 Billion people. on the Corona Virus HOAX, the Satanic NWO, the Mark of the Beast, and other things we need to know! In addition, the BIG Jews, the leaders of International Jewry, are extremely anti-Semitic because they hate the rank and file Jews who are not in their own club.. Herd Immunity is a LIE - and Fauci KNOWS it! Judaism is a chameleon culture/religion. At one point she was not expected to live through the night. There is no such thing as an ethnic Jew. Care for Your OWN Health! THAT certainly didnt make them Jewish.. Through her long and difficult struggle to get well, she was shocked to learn of the enormous cover-up, by Organized Medicine and the pharmaceutical companies, of natural, inexpensive cancer therapies. In fact, as noted below, the word Jew does not appear in the Bible, it was been written in by the translators. It began in the late 19th Century and attained its stated objective with the creation in 1948 of the state of Israel by the United Nations (at the insistence of the United States and without the agreement of existing Middle Eastern states). The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. General Albert Pike, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, USA, One of the unheralded and least known facts about Freemasonry and the Masonic Lodge is its Jewish origins and nature. "Cancel Culture" is really Demonization! Universal Restoration vs Universalism: The Doctrine of Universal Restoration states that eventually God will save everyone but only after they have reaped what they have sown. That position has been held for years by Peter-Hans Kolvenbach who is often termed the Most Powerful Man in the World.. Sorting Through the MAZE of Alternative Medicine So, finally, the One World Religion will be transformed into Luciferianism, the religion of Freemasonry the worship of Lucifer Satan! In the 2000s, she started to promote an alternative cancer treatment program, which has . While on earth, Jesus made a direct reference to the Talmud when he denounced the Pharisees, the leaders of the synagogue, for voiding the Scripture by teaching the traditions of men. Most Jews will respond, Abraham was the FIRST Jew! But Abraham was NOT a Jew! Documentary exposing Vaccines and Autism. She warns against trusting the medical profession and claims that all drugs can cause cancer. Drugs Never Cure Disease 2. Covid-19 Scamdemic The covert goal of the World Health Organization is to decrease the population in all countries of the world, especially the third world, by 1) vaccinations that CAUSE rather than prevent disease, 2) forced birth control, abortion and sterilization, 3) manufactured famines by weather control (creation of droughts), terminator seeds (seeds that dont produce seeds), and withholding of meaningful medical care during pandemics, such as the AIDS pandemic in Africa. Suddenly the DEADLY Coronavirus is Gone! The Jewish Definition of Antisemitism. In its current form, Zionism seeks to dominate all of Palestine and the Middle East by means of violence and the threat of violence (using weapons manufactured and purchased with billions of dollars of "aid" supplied by the United States), and to maximize its influence in world affairs and in world history, principally by means of control of the government of the US (primarily by blackmailing its many corrupt politicians), at the expense of the social well-being not only of the Palestinians but of the peoples of all lands. He Loves Me Not. We Are Ruled by Dangerous Psychopathic Morons! Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore and More on Cancer, Sorting Through the MAZE of Alternative Medicine, Turn on the Light: Overcoming Anxiety and Depression. These Protestant denominations will eventually be melded together with the Catholic Church (these agreements between various denominations and the Catholic Church are being negotiated right now, and have been for the last two or three decades). Nobel Prize Winner who INVENTED the test!! These men have infiltrated the U.S. government and essentially control it from behind the scenes. That means that the Catholic Church is probably owned and secretly run from the inside, by the Jews. Nevertheless, they have an acute understanding of the need to replace Revealed religion (spirituality from the Bible, the Word of God) with Social religion a light weight, superficial, weak, fluffy religion of mushy love that is now being taught in many of the mega-churches. Subsequently, she was contacted by some of the remaining good people in high places, including some in positions above our government (Yes, there is a group above our government), who proceeded to feed her information. None of the BIG Jews, such as the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, Edgar Bronfman, Maurice Strong, the Rockefellers, Henry Kissinger, the Wall Street and International Bankers, or even the Neo-Cons, live in Israel. There are Truth-tellers (on specific topics) found in all groups: Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, New Agers, and in many other groups. Conservative: Do not hold to the importance of a Jewish state, but put more emphasis on the historic and religious aspects of Judaism, doctrinally somewhere between Orthodox and Reform. Covid-19 Scamdemic - and Death! The religious beliefs of most forms of Judaism are from the Talmud, the writings of man the Pharisees, rather than the Tanach the Old Testament of the Bible, the writings of God through His inspired writers. But the truth is that Communism is a plan to enslave the masses under the iron fist of the elitists. A communist, Haus was part of a conspiracy to gain control of both U.S. political parties to use them as instruments in the creation of a socialist (communist) world government. To be blunt, they are nothing more than Trotskyite Communists dressed up in Republican clothes. They are NOT New or neo, because they are communists and communism has been around for hundreds of years. He was a Babylonian, from Ur of the Chaldees (Babylon).