Every summer,you can attend the 1838 Mountain Man Rendezvous in Riverton to relive the days when mountain men, traders, and Native Americans met to trade pelts for supplies. Founded 1962 . ! Parents/guardians must sign for those under 18 years of age, including PeeWees.Full Name: __________________________________________Street Address: ___________________________________________City/State/Zip Code: ___________________________________________Telephone Number: ___________________________________________E-mail Address: ___________________________________________Mail Pre-registration to: Debbie Uhl Idaho Free TrappersIdaho Free Trappers, LTD 5921 East Clark Place Nampa, Idaho 83687, you can also find us on Facebook @ Idaho free trappers, Mail Pre-registration to: Debbie Uhl. This rendezvous is the only re-enactment of the annual gathering that takes place on the original historic site. This was the original way that the mountain men first started trading, Blair Hope, chairman of the event, explained. Join Festivalnet.com now to unlock additional details,