I learned to drive on the streets of San Francisco with a van as a teenager when my mom wanted me to drive her around. I think five guns is the bare minimum, and thats how I always answer the one gun question. Go. Yes - I always carry with a round chambered. Introducing an unchambered firearm means you only have one hand, at best, firmly gripping the pistol. They like it this way. At least until the computer catches up and opens multiple copies. when I was in the Harris County, Texas courts, I saw many LEOs that had semi-auto pistols with one in the chamber and the hammer cocked and the holster strap between the hammer and the slide. I just grabbed a shirt from the laundry pile. Theres simply no point in carrying an unloaded gun. And my Glock 17. I carry all my guns chambered. Repeatedly doing the same thing is training, because it becomes habit. Glocks are designed with internal safety features to prevent accidental discharge. I think I can answer that one. At Incognito Concealment, we're confident we have the right holster for you. A little background: When Israel was founded, "drop safe" firearms were not as common as today and the fledgling state had a mixed bag . Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. She now after many painful operations will be a partial cripple for the rest of her life. Capacity: 15 rounds. How often are you a klutz when driving a car? Its like arguing Android is better than iOS. An insignificant cretin crying for attention in a world that has left him far, far behind. The idea is that a gun with cartridges in it but not having one in the chamber is close to being loaded and is therefore better than a completely unloaded gun. Have you ever negligently failed to check your blind spot and cut someone off on the freeway? While millions of Americans keep and/or bear GLOCKs and GLOCK-like striker-fired pistols without mishap, mishaps do sometimes occur.Let's face it: the average gun owner has lousy trigger discipline. I hope to later, but I just moved to a state that allows it, and our first child just turned one. Because of its usefulness and reliability, many police and government agencies adopted this model as their service pistol. 1 - 20 of 30 Posts. My opinion. A great capability, because a dud round will usually fire upon a second strike, and your finger is going to automatically do that anyway. I can see no valid reason to carry a modern weapon in condition 3 as long as youre observant and safety conscious when holstering/re-holstering your weapon. On TTAG anyone can use any name at any time, and that makes it really confusing. Now youve introduced a firearm where one might not otherwise have been involved, not to mention triggering the bad guys own sense of self preservation. Glocks are safe to carry with a loaded chamber as long as they are carried in a decent holster that completely covers the trigger. People who carry them are so rare that I felt like it wasnt worth mentioning, and Im probably still right. This debate has been going on for years.. which side are you on? Usually I just get to see Colt SAAs with 16 chamber cylinders. But thank goodness I dont have to make that choice. Glock is known for its proprietary barrel design which is said to provide a better seal between the bullet and barrel, allowing less propellant gas leakage and less bullet deformation. The Glock is a semi-automatic pistol that was originally designed by an Austrian manufacturer called Glock Ges.m.b.H in 1982. A typing error, or wishful thinking? The most likely time a kid will get their hands on my gun is if it somehow gets knocked loose from my [high-quality, proper-retention] holster during movement in tight spaces while I am wearing it. Ehall my pistolas are chambered with the safety engaged-at home. So when do you get to be a klutz if youve taken the time to train those reactions until as the experts say you not only get it right, you cant get it wrong? When the term "loaded" means a round in the chamber and you need to carry, either open carry or concealed, with an unloaded gun, training to be faster with your draw will be very important. B.D. Is it just something one has to get used to? It's a little bullet with a decent velocity, but will it actually fill the freezer? Of course, older designs without an internal firing pin block can go off if dropped. Next, there was some discussion about GLOCKs. In a prima facie, on-paper, in-theory sense, thats true. As for kids, had 3 daughters, all knew all weapons were loaded, all were shooting bb guns by 5, learned safety and marksmanship, and by ten, the oldest could out shoot me with the Smith 9mm semi, steel. Actually I carry a revolver, which is 1000% better at typical bad breath self defense ranges than an AR and 100% better than a semi-auto pistol that will get pushed out of battery on a contact shot. Ive carried in condition one for nearly 25 years. Glock handguns are extremely personalized, and gun owners have the choice to change out sights and sets off. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'guntradition_com-box-4','ezslot_7',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-guntradition_com-box-4-0');Some people are nervous about Glocks because they heard one rumor or another about them. I got two strikers, finally, couple years ago, a 9mm and a 40. As stated above, Glocks are safe. Your family is worth it. All of that seemed a bit verbose for a blog comment, though. Think about Her all you Geniuses that sing the siren song of the Utopian world of Glock. Even some shotguns will do that. If you have your Glock properly holstered it cant go off, Those are what ifs what if you slip in the shower get hit in the crosswalk get rundown by a terrorist in a f150 train be vigilant and stay away from the end that has 6 letters. The odds of a holster obstruction triggering a Glock in that case is an acceptable risk due to the greater risk of being too slow. If you did not realize the design is dangerous, you would not have spent so much time belaboring the obvious. I also like the guy getting thrown across the ally when he gets hit with both barrels of the shotgun through those 3/4 boards, but even better is when the same happens from a .45 Colt round. You do what you gotta do or are allowed to do. Keep your chin up, youll get it eventually. You can conceal the Glock 43 comfortably and discretely in a Galco leather holster like the . Thats when I started looking for a better way. . The gun itself Cannot be rendered safe without the chamber being empty. Does the Glock fire then? Between the trigger safety, the firing pin safety and the drop safety I feel very comfortable carrying it chambered. One or two chances to mess up with an empty chamber, but thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of chances to ventilate your own leg while taking a piss. The SAA was designed to be carried fully loaded with the hammer back on the first notch. Theyre both safe and useful within their own parameters, and people are free to choose the one they prefer. https://patents.google.com/patent/US5724759A/en. Want to vent about something? Glock firearms Instructor. Because they have no external safety, Glocks are quicker to draw and fire. One was carrying a single action revolver without a transfer bar safety in a holster, and one under the hammer. A few weeks went by & I realized I was safe. Does the gun have a firing block mechanism. You rotate the cylinder halfway between the nipples and lower the hammer on the carry notch. I'd recommend a Hard Kydex holster like a comp-tac infidel. Of course, I do concede you point, it just that it brought Monty Python to mind and I improvised from there. The answer is "yes." Milliseconds count. THAT is a significant, even dangerous, error to be stating as fact. If anybody could advise me, I'd be grateful. This subject is DOA just like the OP. Recently retired the PPK in favor of a Sig P365. And in my opinion , and this would be scary, Id bet my draw and cock against the draw rack the slide anytime. I notice that you had to go look it up though. Jordan enjoys giving his time and resources to help others and has spent 15 years volunteering in a boy's mentoring program He is and will always be an American Patriot. All it takes is knowing what the word; inertia means. Victoria: Which raises the question: How tough can it possibly be to fix? i doubt that israelis whose primary weapon is a pistol actually use israeli carry. Same here. Glock came up with this and called it the 'Glock Safe Action Trigger'. The internal Safe Action System will not allow the pistol to go off accidentally. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. I dont know how high Id have to go to get it to ignite, but I figure Im never going to carry my piece 8+ off the floor, (seeing as how thats the height of most ceilings). In the case of a fast draw in a conflict, you dont have time to check, but you still have time to keep your finger out of the trigger guard. Stop all AR-15 and AR-10 calibers with this RTS Tactical level 3+ Armor Kit. Since its a bookmark and not a save, it will go there and update to the latest info. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'guntradition_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_2',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-guntradition_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');I, as well as others, have tested and tried to get the Safe Action System, to fail but without actually modifying parts, we havent been able to. It's a small handgun that is easy to carry, chambered for a very powerful cartridge, and priced so a working man can easily afford it. I recommend RTS Tactical for reliable, rifle-stopping options, Youre worth it. Yes. . Subscribe and receive the latest information on GLOCK products and more. But now at my age I know me and I know my weapons and youll be gambling with your life if you engage me thinking you know whether there is one in the chamber. I have for almost 40 years and have it properly holstered. In addition to this, some manufacturers have added manual lever safeties to their firearms and XDS has the grip safety as well. It has a safety, but I dont really care about that. Firearm experts, including myself, consider the design completely safe and dependable. Many competition shooters boast about having it done to their race gun. Sacrilegious. You know, due to the stress of OH MY GOD SOMEONES BREAKING INTO THE HOUSE AND HES GOT A GUN! . Negligence or stupidity, flip the coin on word choice. about carrying or keeping a gun with a round in the chamber. A true DAO trigger that has as much chance of going off in a pocket, or other ND, as a DA revolver does. Not only that, but the holster allows you to "re-holster" off body which also greatly reduces the odds of clothing or something getting caught in the trigger guard. My G19 pull is about 4-1/2# about the same as a lot of 1911 guns. So, as DG said, its a problem in search of a solution. Uberti, for instance, makes some models with a transfer bar safety and also a few with a floating firing pin, which drops below the channel to the primer when the hammer is fully forward and can thus be carried fully loaded. Also, had a KelTec with a pocket clip, no holster, ever, and a Glock 40 with a clip draw, and you just need the brains to have nothing else in your carry pocket, and you wont have an issue. Im a lefty and the controls on the P 89 are completely ambitious I love SA/DA hammer fired autos. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Carry without one in the pipe for a while to get used to it. The end result is the same, but the means to that end are directly opposite in how they function. I dont expect hardware (or software) to compensate for a persons stupidity, as opposed to the opinion of many other people who think it should. So far there have been 14 production experiences.Has a professional production and R & D team, and . You might like it. When carrying the gun in a holster, the grip safety will keep the gun from discharging, even if the . I hope r.i.p is on your tombstone if you fail in a confrontation. Just not for me. Just go to there web site, or go to your gun store for more information. I carry one in the chamber of my ruger P89 with 17 rounds in the magazine. Only, dumb guys wouldnt understand that. Cocked and locked . Odds of the shooter getting 4 shots off would be pretty low. The round wouldnt even need to be in a chamber at all. Glocks have only mode of carry once you chamber a round. The innovative design of the hybrid steel-polymer slide chambered in our first .22 caliber round provides a lightweight and low recoil functionality for optimal control. Sounds a lot like a problem created by attorneys to have something to sue over, doesnt it? Other sites have no problem getting notifications to work NOW. The driving analogy is a good one, because we drive so much (most of us, anyway). But in any case, the inertia must lie directly in line with the round, and then the round must stop suddenly, like when the muzzle hits the ground. Mr Hoober, If you werent too busy arrogantly doubling down, you might consider trying it some time instead of pretending you know everything but I suppose you are probably more interested in getting audience engagement than giving good advice. If you cant train yourself to keep your finger off the trigger until you have made the decision to shoot any gun is dangerous in your hands. The Sig 320 problem was that it had an internal block but dropping (or smacking it with a hammer) could make the trigger move to disengage the firing pin block. Width: 1.18. The G44 was thoroughly tested with a wide variety of ammunition to ensure maximum performance and . Seattle is like a miniature version from a driving perspective. Try it with any style sidearm. A good 1/2 inch drive ratchet upside the head will drop most anyone like they were a sack of feed corn. They claimed that the officer didnt purposefully pull the trigger, but he just twitched from his heart beating fast and the gunshot an unarmed innocent man. Ho Hum, Well written Practice holstering and unholstering without a round and see if the trigger is pulled. Is It Safe To Carry A Chambered Glock. To sum up: there were a few objections to my original post that, on their face, had some truth to them. Apply the 21 foot rule. I know some people , maybe most people , will be just fine carrying a Glock with a loaded chamber , but all the reasons people give for not are not 100% wrong either . But otherwise it still is a pretty good gunfight scene. Few indeed even care about SA revolvers anymore, or even know they exist, or care about the firing mechanism. Bottom line: For *any* firearm, you have to *put your finger (or some other object) INTO the trigger guard to fire the weapon.*. #5. Ever have your computer go slow for a second, but then it opens two(or more) of whatever you clicked on? Carrying On An Empty Chamber. They're fun, handy, and can be very practical. Glocks can be dangerous When they tumble and fall and the natural instinct is to catch. Passive safeties Are Not A Replacement for an active safety. The gunfight at the end was pretty good otherwise, but at one point Costner gets 16 shots out of his Colt SAA without reloading. One near each upstairs door and one near the basement door. So the trigger pull is utterly irrelevant *if* you are paying attention to your firearm which you should be doing, again, with *any* firearm. This is why. Glocks response was to simply make a pistol that was safe without a safety. I think it's more about . You can also watch plenty of guys who have never once needed their guns in a confrontation, yet shot themselves because they kept one in the chamber. And that is the key to any methodology, simply having the proper training. Will again once they are old enough to figure out crapping ones pants is a bad idea. I have been a revolver guy my whole life, and just switched to a Glock 19 after getting two days of excellent training and realizing I could shoot the Glock better (to say nothing of more copiously) than my old Detective Special. It became the norm to carry with an empty chamber. silly? The practice of empty chamber carry continued with the introduction of magazine-fed, semi-automatic pistols. Didnt check that the gun was clear. Yes. Are Glocks Safe To Carry Chambered. Yes, you're being silly. Its your right to self defense. Is really shouldnt be that hard. I asked administrator. Whats a fleshlight? No wait . The IDF has quit carrying with a round chambered. But, some want only one item to cover every base. The engineer who designed a take down system whereby the slide has to be forward and you have to pull the trigger must have on that day tripped out on LSD. Trigger Safety. The firearm entered Austrian military and police service by 1982 after becoming the top performer in reliability and safety tests.. Glock pistols have become the company's most profitable line of products, and have been supplied to . Its interesting to note that Massoud Ayoob reported that when one Police Department got fed up with all the accidental discharges with Glocks and went over to a double action only auto that accidental discharges dropped to almost zero. Now getting older, I have trouble with body positions for competitions, so I dont enter very many club competitions anymore. Off the top of my head, I dont remember actually seeing that, but in The Shootist, John Wayne does mention it. Ok, maybe youre taking off your holster and you drop the whole dang thing on the floor. There are no Glock negligent discharges *without* the word *negligent* in the incident description. Sub-one second times, under stress are the norm when properly trained. The NRA store version is about $50+ for the small size. Or ya know, apply the tried by 12 or carried by 6 rule. Also thank goodness I dont even have to make THAT choice. How often are you drinking a glass of milk, or spilling coffee, or having a horn tooted at you while actually handling or holstering your firearm? Carrying on an empty chamber is probably one of the most common beginner mistakes I hear. Glock developed their patented Safe Action System which will not allow the gun to be fired without a finger on the trigger and a dedicated trigger pull. DA/SA make the most sense to me. I never carried a gun before my G27. Sykes wrote their highly influential book, " Shooting To Live," based on their experiences with the Shanghai Police Department. lol 15 in the clip one in the pipe. I used one of those saf-t blocks that can be pushed out of the trigger real easy. The problem is not with the Glock trigger, the problem is a lack of training on the part of the operator. I now have a Walther P99 (OK, Im a Walther fan). Running this way I am even more vigilant about how I handle the gun. The most obvious one is we have an external safety. My Taurus Millenium G2, basically a glock with a safety, same thing, actions are needed to make it fire. When I go hunting, I carry my Remington 700, bolt action rifle with the striker discharged on an empty chamber. On Firefox for my Linux machine it even goes right to the place on the page I was when I saved. In the case of the 43X, the barrel is 87mm or 3.41 inches long. It comes down to your comfort, training and repetitive use. I submit extremely unlikely. If you want one of it, you must like it, so why wouldnt you want more? Im not a big believer in the the bad guy will just take your gun and use it against you school of thought. Glock originally designed the gun with an exposed hammer and their marketing agent said are you joking no one in their right mind would buy such an unsafe weapon because they can see that the hammer is cocked back. Weve beaten this dead horse enough. 29 July 2022 by srnoj. In my 3-screw, yes. Folks need to do what they are comfortable with though. always, just got the g23 and after the range it'll be in the rotation with the sigs. Correct. Here we have a conundrum. Agreement. the number of people out there who keep a single-action revolver as a home defense. And unlike Mad, I DO make mistakes. The Springfield Armory XD-E is a new hammer-fired compact pistol. Just do what you are comfortable/confident with and what is best for your individual personal situation. Wonder why guns are the most logical option? The NYPD used this excuse several times to get out of a situation, basically saying These new-fangled Glocks just go off on their own. All I get is replies that they are working on it. Mine, of course, is in the latter, and it's held up well to a lot of shooting. Does anyone ride the hammer down on their gun with a LIVE ROUND in the chamber? After all people driving cars kill more people than people holding firearms. You hit the nail on the head with "comfortable", but that is subjective. says: How often do you train your driving abilities?. Two is one, one is none. Descriptions: Glocks are safe to carry with a loaded chamber as long as they are carried in a decent holster that completely covers the trigger. While I believe training is the answer, its not just fingers that are the problem. Hell, try it with a taser. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. No permits needed, no interference from the State. The are a couple videos out there showing issues with holsters (kydex included) where bending or twisting caused a discharge. Or even sex. Maybe. the first two rules of safe gun handling are Dont touch the trigger until you are ready to shoot, and dont point it at anything you dont want to destroy. Absolutely. The Glock Gen 4 and Gen 5 models have actually ended up being popular with civilians and self-defense shooters alike. The hammer connects with a firing pin thats integrated into the frame, which strikes the primer. Almost always comes back to the trigger. More : Glocks are safe to carry with a loaded chamber as long as they are carried in a . Check out this post which is one of the most popular of all time. That being said, I also carry a M&P 9mm with one in the chamber. Ron DeSantis Says He Supports Adding Open Carry to Floridas Permitless Carry Bill, Defendant Agrees Appeals Court Should Uphold Injunction Blocking New Yorks Law Banning Carrying Guns in Sensitive Places, Judge Robert L. Miller: Its an Insult to the Founders to Assume They Didnt Expect Gun Control in Future Generations, https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/the-truth-about-6-5mm-ammo/, https://patents.google.com/patent/US5724759A/en, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p28yT3Z3oj8&t=7347s. Oh - And my Cobra .22 has one round in EACH chamber. No safety needs to include a stiff, lengthy trigger pull, like the LC9, or a DA revolver. FNS9-C. You have to train how you'll fight and fight how you train. This Glock pistol does have a super-slim . This pistol gained [] I would like to carry at the ready, but doing so really gives me the heebie-jeebies. Are Glocks Safe To Carry Chambered. Some militaries wanted to normalize carrying a pistol or rifle with a loaded chamber for obvious reasons, but they ran into some of these same issues on old guns. One other one was very tragic. A few overly trigger-happy officers within a department and a sly PR department really spun yarns on this one. If I feel the urge to admire, use and hold a finely engineered machine I might just as likely pull out and ogle any one of my watches, of my bicycles, of my cars, of my surgical instruments, of my fountain pens or of my firearms. Glock dominates the handgun market in both the United States and around the globe. Question: If it lands on its muzzle could it not go out-of-battery? It's a mental block you will have to outgrow. Thats all Colt added to the series 80, the internal firing pin block. there's always a round in the chamberBG's don't usually give you a timeout to rack one in +1 Besides everyone knows the cool racking sound scares off any bad guys : ), Yes. Until I do, its one in the chamber with safety engaged and hammer down on a DA/SA pistol. (Take that, NYPD!) Please note Im not saying glock = bad. Because there are a lot of areas where carrying a firearm will bite you if you cant get it right. It is a compact pistol that is chambered in 9mm and is designed for concealed carry. Glock 23 Handgun. Many firearms enthusiasts and experts consider it to be the most effective and efficient way to carry a handgun for self-defense. Try it. Have you ever negligently turned down the wrong way of a one way street? If I have to carry a compact, its a DA only with no safety or one with the safety off. Is it just something one has to get used to? A safety is much easier to manipulate than a slide though. So lets just say its a personal choice and your way isnt better than mine, but I will never accidently shoot my leg or foot. On the other hand, most other striker-fired pistols count on the recoil spring to cock the striker. Apply the 21 foot rule with the holy glock with a round chambered (Im pretty sure that as I was at the Vatican admiring Michelangelos ceiling, it was definitely a glock God was passing to Adam in the famous reclining scene), I bet you you will still lose just as badly. We have lots more on the site to show you. Good luck!!!!! It is also popular for law enforcement and for use as a backup weapon.
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