Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. On Dec. 22, 2016, the results were certified in all 50 states. A close election would trigger the need for a full recount. National Popular Vote values rural and urban voters equally. The National Popular Vote (NPV) refers to the concept of allocating a state's presidential electors to the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide regardless of the state results in a presidential election. As a result, the bill will take effect when enacted by states possessing an additional 74 electoral votes. The selection of presidential electors is specifically entrusted to the states by the Constitution. A plan to enact the National Popular Vote was introduced in the Michigan Legislature on Wednesday. Because its so hard to get an amendment to the Constitution passed that means that once it becomes law it will probably remain so for a long time because the bar to change it back is so high. These battleground or swing states receive 7% more federal grants, twice as many presidential disaster declarations, more Superfund enforcement exemptions, and more No Child Left Behind law exemptions (National Popular Vote). Americans are still bent up and flustered on how an individual could lose the popular vote, but still, be given the upper hand in Electoral College votes. (LogOut/ . Bosque de Palabras When a popular vote is held for a national office, the election becomes more about platform issues than local issues. 1. And in all states but Maine and Nebraska, the candidate who receives the most votes in that state is awarded all of its electoral votes, whether the split is 51% to 49% or 99% to 1%. HuffPost's top politics stories, straight to your inbox. Inside Ohio or Florida, to pick two examples, the big cities do not receive all the attention, and they certainly do not control the outcome. Disadvantages of the NPV Interstate Compact. As the National Popular Vote (NPV) movement steps up its effort to impose a direct election for president, attempting to enlist states with a sufficient number of electors to constitute a majority (268) and to bind them to the winner of the national popular vote, those states considering the proposal might first reflect on the nightmare aftermath of the 2000 presidential election. I fear that most, if not all, of the states signing onto the NPV Compact will be just blue states. This text is available online and is used for gudiance and inspiration, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Maryland and New Jersey passed this bill in 2007, Hawaii and Illinois in 2008, Washington in 2009, Massachusetts and the District of Columbia in 2010, California and Vermont in 2011, Rhode Island in 2013, New York in 2014 and Connecticut in 2018. Pros & Cons of a National Popular Vote Buy Complete Issue $19.95 Login or Subscribe The National Popular Vote How would the interstate compact work? Most recently, the bill was passed by a bipartisan 4016 vote in the Republican-controlled Arizona House, 2818 in Republican-controlled Oklahoma Senate, 574 in Republican-controlled New York Senate, and 3721 in Democratic-controlled Oregon House." List of the Cons of Proportional Representation. The compact is designed to ensure that the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide is elected president, and it . (See: Electoral Votes by State). In 2016, Gary Johnson received 4.48 million votes and 0 electoral votes, but the potential is always there for this to happen. All samples were added by students. The popular vote eliminates this issue too. NCSL's experts are here to answer your questions and give you unbiased, comprehensive information as soon as you need it on issues facing state legislatures. According to the University of Missouri-Kansas City Law School, some proponents of the Electoral College argue that it isolates election problems, such as illegally extended voting hours or irregularly high voter turnout. If a party knows either that it can't win a single elector in a state or has an easy road to winning all of them, it sends its resources to where it has a competitive chance.. Each vote would affect each candidate instead of being overlooked due to which state those votes would be coming from. Under the electoral college system, the candidates which receive the most votes in each state (or district) receive its assigned electoral votes. F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were elected with less than a majority of the votes cast. That offers the possibility that someone unwilling or unable to hold the office could be elected. But in practice it could happen every 10 or 20 years when the Electoral College votes change because the congressional boundaries change with the new population census. Hillary Clinton, but won the electoral vote to become the 45thPresident of the United States. 9. With a popular vote in place, each election win would be decreed a mandate to follow the platform of the winning party. How about receiving a customized one? That effectively means that votes in the the 75% of the country that are in swing states effectively dont count at all. A faithless elector in the United States is someone who casts an electoral ballot for someone other than the individuals to whom they are pledged. How Many Electoral Votes Does a Candidate Need to Win? The itineraries of presidential candidates in battleground states (and their allocation of other campaign resources) demonstrate what every gubernatorial or senatorial candidate in every state already knows namely that when every vote matters, the campaign must be run in every part of the state. 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria, Samploon, Inc. 2022. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is an agreement among a group of U.S. states and the District of Columbia to award all their electoral votes to whichever presidential ticket wins the overall popular vote in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The National Popular Vote Bill is not a Democrat or Republican bill. For under its plan, the next time the U.S. has very close national vote, a recount would not be of six million votes in one state but of more than 130 million votes in all states and the District of Columbia, all with their own rules for conducting a recount. It fails to reach the ideal of one-person one-vote. However, Hilary Clinton won 2.6 million more popular votes nationwide than Donald Trump. But NPV could force our electors to disregard the wishes of the . The advantage of this system is that it preserves the preferences of. Under the plan, Michigan's 15 Electoral . 7. The electoral college encourages a two-party system and rewards candidates who have broad appeal. Even though we will be able to elect the president by national popular vote using the The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, eventually the rules for how we elect the president should be an official part of the Constitution. The bill has crossed paths with 36 legislative chambers and has been sponsored or voted for by 3,112 state legislators (National Popular Vote). 13 Early College High School Pros and Cons, 18 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of the Payback Period, 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Leasing a Car, 19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt Financing, 24 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of a C Corporation, 16 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation, 18 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Gated Community, 17 Big Advantages and Disadvantages of Focus Groups, 17 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Bonds, 19 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of Annuities, 17 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising. During a popular vote, a candidate who withdraws from the race or dies before the election can be held could still be on the ballot. 2. As of July 2020, a National Popular Vote bill has been signed into law in 16 states controlling a total of 196 electoral votes, including 4 small states, 8 medium-sized states, 3 big states (California, Illinois, and New York), and the District of Columbia. Thats the way it has been in this country for a long time. The winner-take-all rule is not required by the Constitution and was actually used by only three states in the nation's first presidential election in 1789. In summary, a popular vote is simply a vote in which the individual or issue with the most total votes from a population of voters is the winner. Either would likely produce an electoral vote count closer to the popular vote. Candidates get one vote for every congressional district they win, and then two votes for winning the state-wide vote. It gives each vote an equal amount of power. That would give the Compact states only 3 days( and two of those days were weekend days) to certify their state votes. Among the others: By its very size and scope, a national direct election will lead to nothing more than a national media campaign, which would propel the parties' media consultants to inflict upon the entire nation what has been heretofore limited to the so-called battleground states: an ever-escalating, distorted arms race of tit-for-tat unanswerable attack advertising polluting the airwaves, denigrating every candidate and eroding citizen faith in their leaders and the political process as a whole. The United States has a representative democracy rather than a direct democracy: Citizens elect representatives rather than voting on each bill. To pass an amendment to change the Constitution the Founding Fathers wisely required approval by 2/3 of both houses of Congress and 3/4 of the state legislatures instead of a simple majority. Although it is sometimes conjectured that a national popular election would focus only on big cities, it is clear that this would not be the case. Although many supporters of the electoral college argue that a two-party political system is more stable, some critics counter that having more than two parties would give Americans more choice. More people live in urban regions, which means they would have a constant sway over the election. It is perhaps the most simplistic form of an election. The official 2016 election results from the Electoral College gave Donald J. Trump the victory with 306 electoral votes v. Hillary Clinton's 232 votes. Only Nebraska and Maine do not. Like most issues involving politics, the U.S. Constitution is largely silent on the political issues of presidential elections. Of the 538 Electoral College votes available, Donald J. Trump received 304 votes, Hillary Clinton received 227 votes, and seven votes went to others: three for Colin Powell, one for Faith Spotted Eagle, one for John Kasich, one for Ron Paul, and one for Bernie Sanders). Imperfect, because its modern-day blessings -- enhancing coalition building, pluralism, federalism and grass-roots participation -- are enjoyed only by a minority of states (in any given presidential election 18 or 20), where the battle for electoral votes is competitive for both major parties. (LogOut/ During the 2012 elections, 38 states, also known as spectator states, were ignored and forgotten. Advantages and Disadvantages of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact In the 2016 Presidential Election if the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact had been in effect the winner of the national popular vote, Hillary Clinton, would have become president instead of Donald Trump. She graduated magna cum laude from Brandeis University with bachelor's degrees in creative writing, English/American literature and international studies. Less would get done, which would affect the needs of households at the local level. It happened once, in 1876. Longley, Robert. The plan would not get rid of the Electoral College. Rural voters would almost always be in the minority. National Popular Vote Plan page 3 that non-member states that fail to hold such elections will not be included in the determination of 'the national popular vote winner.' This sidesteps the problem and provides an incentive for all states (non-members as well as members) to (continue to) hold such elections. Evidence as to how a nationwide presidential campaign would be run can be found by examining the way presidential candidates currently campaign inside battleground states. The only election in the United States which is not governed by the popular vote is the presidential election. Politicians would focus on fewer swing states (Bigger states more potential votes) Published: Mar. In a direct popular election, a candidate could theoretically win without having broad support throughout the country. In fact, let's tally up all the votes cast for president between 1932 and 2008. The Electoral College was established in the Constitution to protect minority interests and mitigate the possibility of a regional candidate. [Add switching votes of losing party to the other partys voter totals in every state using the Electoral College/Winner-Take-All system (except for 5 EC votes in Maine and Nebraska that are awarded proportionally instead of by Winner-Take-All.]. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Yet, by May 2021, 15 states and Washington, D.C., had signed onto the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. The method works by electing one elector within each congressional district by popular vote and selecting the remaining two electors by a statewide popular vote. However, some critics argue that the advantages of a direct popular election including reflecting democratic principals, outweigh the disadvantages. All other votes cast for that candidate are therefore superfluous. Is this a solution to first past the post or is it merely reinforcing our current two party system? It gives more voting power to individual voters in smaller states. Steve Sisolak vetoed it. In a closely contested direct popular election, every precinct across the country might require close examination, rather than a handful of states or precincts. The discussion around using the popular vote for elections has increased since the results of the 2016 election. On a close popular vote, often defined as a difference of 0.5% or less in the tabulated results, an automatic recount would likely be triggered. In the case of a tie, there are contingencies in place to determine which person will serve in the elected office. Even though pre-election polls made conspicuous predictions of Hilary Clinton winning the presidency and . Post author: Post published: June 29, 2022 Post category: Uncategorized Post comments: paris apartment eiffel tower view for sale paris apartment eiffel tower view for sale That's almost 1.5 billion . It would reduce diversity in the election structures. But don't forget, Bush won the popular vote four years later by three million votes. The horror of a potential national recount is only one of the dangers direct presidential elections poses. Lastly, the biggest problem that the Electoral College produces is the reality that a persons vote really doesnt matter (Black). Currently, candidates focus more on swing and battleground states to help them gain those electoral votes. 622 By John Samples The National Popular Vote plan (NPV), introduced in more than 40 states, and adopted. 1, 2023 at 1:16 PM PST. An electoral college would solve . The United States does not have direct election of its president, yet most national, state and local offices are filled by the candidate with the most votes. Candidates feel these states need a little bit more of their attention and apply pressure to supply these states with solutions to their problems in order to gain their vote. However, in the popular vote, Trump only received 62,984,825 votes against Hillary Clinton's 65,853,516 popular votes. Donald Trump won the presidential election by securing 304 electoral votes, compared to Hillary Clintons 227 electoral votes. Many Americans are confused about how a win is obtained under these conditions and are on a quest to change this traditional statute.
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