Pray that my business overflows with customers so that I can pay my bills and find a, Dear Lord I pray that you will make my daughter strong to stand up to those who are trying to tear her down. This is a prayer in it's self, but I have, Dear god please hear my prayers I'm so in live with a man I bore his children in my womb and please make him want, Lord I ask for Your help in our financial woes. I ask, Dear Lord I pray that those jobs I have applied for will come to fruition so that I can again have a monthly salary so, (Tallahassee, Florida) Dear Lord, please find a buyer for our home in town very soon. Thank you for this day and the beautiful world I live in. Life has been difficult for both of us and we have struggled I would, lord our heavenly father help us to work hard in this new year so it may pass with joy and happiness . Why nobody wanna reply me ? I am troubled by my in-laws emotionally. She is my lifeline. My husband is divorcing me and I am still in love with him., hey God ! He is living with someone else and has filed for divorce after 36 years. Please pray for a strong bond for me n my son and thatggood, Dear God, I thank you for blessing my womb with this baby. Lord I thank you for the wonderful people in my, I know that he is my soulmate. I pray that the money we need to give to the, Dear LordI pray to help save my marriage. Thank you Lord for my abundance of wealth,, I am feeling weak, confused and scared. I am struggling with my love life. We, Please hear my prayer Lord and grant my wish to conceive a healthy baby for our family .We are trying so hard to give our, Lord, I have no one to turn to. Please heal my relationship with my partner, Prayer for recovery and healing to my sister, I pray that you will make my daughter strong, Prayer for Peace and Happiness for my family, Praying for Good Health and Job Opportunity, Prayer for Restoration of my relationship, Thank you Lord for providing and protecting me, Plz help me im so stressed but plz pray for me, Prayer for my mom suffering from breast cancer, Prayer for Physical healing, guidance and financial breakthroughs, pray for my sister Anna who was severely burned when a propane tank exploded, O God am not sure what sins or mistakes I have made, Prayer to buying a car so desperately needed, prayer to get a permanant home for my family, Praying to find a new good job immediatly, Help to find a job and overcome depression, lord please let us pray for those less fortunate, Pray for my family to be together in a new house, a prayer to heal our hearts and return the love for us and our 2 small children, Dear Lord, please show us where you want us to go, Prayer for clearing all debts and getting money to build new house for my. We have been trying for a second baby since more than, Please God, heal the heart of my true love. Due to my husband passing two yrs ago it is a necessity to, Dear St Joseph, I pray to you with all my best intentions that you may guide and help me through these hard and challenging time., Dear Father, I am calling out to you with great pain. i used to be a good worker, My son is 16 and he is not motivated to do anything in school or even about his education i have tryed every thing that, As I pray for all of those in need of a financial blessing, I ask for prayers for myself and my family. My husband of almost 30 years has told me he is not in love with me anymore and left me and our, Lord, I pray for peace, health, happiness and long lives for my family and myself. It didn't happen, now I'm, St. Jude , My family is going through tough time. He was let go of his last job because, Lord Jesus and ST. Joseph, We pray for your help and guidance. Reader: For the Church: that we may be transformed by God's Spirit and find our strength in Christ, we pray: For the courage to be peacemakers in our homes, our cities, our nation, and across the world, we pray: I need your help. I pray that you can find, I pray to St. Joseph that we sell our home for a price that we want and is fair and that the buyers be happy, (MN) Dear Lord, I am not afraid to leave this life and join you in heaven. Prayer for restoration of my relationship, Prayer for the reunification of my family, Im a mother asking for prayer for my son to find the right employment, Strength against all the opposition Im experiencing, prayer of reconciliation in my relationship, Ready to work the skill God has chosen to me, Bless us strengthen us and guid us through each day, Prayer for immediate debt relief for our Car, Prayer for healing of dislocated shoulder, Prayer for success in a new job and location, Prayer to keep our marriage and family intact, Restoration of a Destroyed and Broken Relationship, College Long Distance Relationship Troubles, My lord in heaven I come asking for Divine Heath, Prayer to be Forgiven and to Have Mercy On, Prayer of admission for course applied for, Prayer to Make my man to be honest with me, Prayer for Letting Go and Selling a house, To get to live around people who loves me, speedy recovery and good health for Gerber, Prayer to overcome guilt, anger and stress, Pls can u all pray for me my skin is so sore and I cant help scrating, Prayer for our daughter suffering from cancer, Prayer for completion of building our home, Father God bless those in Houston Texas with strength and provision, Prayer for justice and return of my money, prayer for my Granddaughter She has a mental illness, Praying for job while changing career paths, Please pray for Clinton. Heal her if this is your will, Blessed St Joseph, I am asking you for your intercession and with help selling our home, quickly and at the price we are asking for, Heavenly Father, I thank you so much for everything you have given me. Let them see that he has, Dear Lord I humbly come before you today begging you to bring my husband back to his senses again. Please help me gather the finances to achieve mobility and (car) and security so I can spend time with, Father God, I come to you with thanks giving. I had a second interview a job last week but, (Reykjavik Iceland) Dear God please give me strength to .go through the day to mortow. Bless our bodies and soul that we may, Often times we only pray when times are tough. I have two children, Plz help me im so stressed but plz pray for me. May you protect us from evil and, Dear God our Father,please be with me Father as I'm about to write my pre-exams,Father God I ask you to give me strength to be, I ask that you please pray for my marriage that is falling apart . You are worthy to be praised. I bless Your Name sweet Lord.Lord I'm new, Here, we are collecting the most popular Christian prayers, and crowd-sourcing the results. Prayer to protect loved ones and improve my life, Please Pray for our new Preschool Business, Prayer to bring my granddaughter back home, Prayer for viable employment and healing in relationship, Prayer For My Upcoming Final exam and Final grade. I have lots of problems money, car , trouble everything I touch get destroy,, God give me more strength to fight all the test i been through in my work help me to touch the heart of Luningning Duhan, I pray that our lord will bring peace and understanding and love for my partner and I. I give thanks to God that we can, God I come to you giving you all the praise & glory for all that you hold and knowing the power belongs to you. I, Jesus, my family and I are going through tough times and my husband is desperately looking for employment even though he is sick. Please help me in getting married to the person whom I love. Lord in your mercy. Prayer to St. Jude for recovery of my wages which have not been paid by my Shipping Company employers , now over a year. Prayer to you St Jude to please help my daughter recover her lost phone. The pains in my back, arms, chest head and neck. I can't do this, I ask the Lord to heal my husband of his high blood pressure, I ask that whatever the MRI results show that is causing this, I pray to the most highest for my home to be save from foreclosure,I pray for all family that's going through what I am and, I am to be in court in the morning. Thank you for all that you have already given, I am praying for a new home. Pour the blood of Jesus over them, Lord, thank you for all the God-given talents and skills you bestowed me with. Please, Pray please to relive me of my home I am selling.due to raising four children on my own I am now in dept.i thank God, Dear Lord,I have worked so hard to pass my license exams to teach High school history. Renew it and make it pure as the day I was born and then replace it, Lord,Please heal me from this anxiety and insomnia. Please take away the anxiety, fear and, Please pray for us, we have been together of for over 3 years and we have had ups and downs but recently I showed my, Dear Lord,I bow down to you this morning. Dear God, help me with my late rent this month. The academic year has finally come, Dear St Jude,Please heal my husband to come home, to his loving wife, to be cared forat home. Although I do not, In Jesus Name I thank you GOD for keeping me and my family and friends Safe from all harm. Carry me. No one deserves to go through this especially not her., Father I just want to come to you as a human as a person that you created I know that I can talk to you, I wish to find employment that is fulfilling and financially supportive in a positive working environment with NICE people. We struggle every day to make, Dear Saint Joseph,We have been trying to sell our house on and off for five years. I pray that I be delivered from disease and sicknesses. Please restore her sight and heal her from her, Lord God I want to thank you for leading me to serving you. He has been unfaithful with two women for some time. I am so grateful of your love and of your mercy. Blessing, health blessing, and I repent of any unforgivness, Lord, I ask for your mercy and salvation from my terrible times. I know he is not alone in this endeavor, as, Please pray for me relationship that we will come closer as we are in the same home , but so far apart from one another., I need a bigger home so I can make people feel like they are welcome to come to my home without feeling unwelcomed. We seek to be humble, but are, St. Jude, patron of miracles and impossible causes, I thank you for your intercession. This is, Dear God,I am broken. No. Make his heart open to the possibility of having a dog inside, Dear LordPlease help me to resolve my current job situation and be successful in fulfilling my goals for this organization,. It has spread and he very much wants to live. I would really like to be, Heavenly father touch david today. I don't know what to do, everything's so complicated. I pray that you will instill in, Lord Please bless me today and always; that I am happy, healthy, for good life, for love, good relationship with my daughter, boyfriend, family and, Please pray and agree with me in asking God for the love of my life to open his heart to the Holy Spirit. fatherof the most high. Bless it with love, kindness, understanding and patience. For those who have lost loved ones recently, comfort them in their grief and heal the broken-hearted. Lord, hear our prayer. After almost 14 years, he says he's no longer in love with me and ready, Dear God, I beg thee to interfere in finding a good location for my business. I'm looking for a job for abroad for so many times, Sovereign Lord Jehovah i pray for my family for good health my mother my sisters nephews & nieces i beg you Lord remove if there, St. Joseph we are in need of your assistance to sell our home. My need to use my God-given talents, Pray for me to prosper in my finances. We were only married two years but he has decided to give up on, Thank you Jesus for allowing my the opportunity to interview for my dream job. heal his, My home is falling apart and I do not have the money to repair it. Christ, have mercy. She's acting out because she, Dear God , Thank you very much for protection. God is good. Please protect our loved ones, our families, and our country from the Typhoon Hagupit. Show us how to serve one another, to offer love, care and support. I am, Lord Thank you for all you do for humanity,I as your child ask you too forgive us all for pettiness inequities and too grant us, Dear FatherYou are all knowing and loving. Please help me to find a good job so that I may help my family to get, Please Lord i know that one of us is perfect. But Dear Lord, I would like more time with, To get a suitable job according to my qualification and i should be able to sustain and work well there. Please have mercy on the judge to release him at his court date tomorrow. I pray for healing over my mind heart and soul, Dear all,Please pray for me that I get a job at one of our local company, Petronas Leadership Centre Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. I have no life now. I pray that please send me money now Lord. I will work diligently to, (Sidcup, Kent, UK) Father God,Thank you for being a God who provides for those he loves. I feel so hopeless and helpless.Be with me and my husband that we may find the solution, Dear Lord, For the past few years the animosity between my ex-husband and I has caused damage to the both of us and to our, Please, Saint Joseph, sell my home. Help us to heal from, Heavenly Father, your word says that if we ask it shall be given to us, so today Lord I am seeking your blessings in abundance, Please pray for my broken heart to mend. He also desperately desires, My Dear LordForgive me for all the sins I have done in my life.I am a sinner and I beg alms you because in my, (San Antonio,Texas) Please God I ask you to help relieve the anxiety I have right now dealing with my finances. I do my job to the best, Lord of love, thank you for everything and yes to all that is to come. Heal me mentally and physically and allow me the providences to, I need prayer for financial blessings to pay my bills. please bring my husband back to us. Pls heal the illness that she feels for, Father who has ordained the whole creation for the salvation of man, i beseech thee that you may keep us from sin and give us, DEAR lord I come to you asking for the chance to have at least one child.
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