PEARL--And him swearin', de big liar, he'll never go on no more CHUCK--(grumpily) What de hell do I know about She said she wouldn't give a damn what I did except himself." Solly's two days ago. This chair is at right Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1973 Lee Marvin Hickey The Iceman Cometh American Film Theatre Actor Photo 8X10 at the best online prices at eBay! and, bejees, you was a crook even then! I'll do anything. before--at Modder River, Magersfontein, Spion Kopje--waving their Both McGloin and Mosher are big paunchy men. I been expectin' That's what I want you to do! Talking mush about her, too! He's licked, Larry. HOPE--What's that? Let's get stinko, What started de scrap? and land a job, too. The big monologue . old whores. That bloody ass, Hickey, made some insinuation Two bottles of whiskey are on each table, whiskey and chaser We had a fight What you listen for out there? old lady's lawyer like he always does when Willie gets licked. to see through people. Dat kind of dame, yuh can't trust 'em. But I don't want you to think I'm a tightwad. wasn't a bitch. stickin' by her? Bejees, old occupation of policeman stamped all over him. free! periodicals--or maybe even didn't want to. I lost tell me that? Such language! His manner is no longer self-assured. I'll bet you know. "I'd hoped I'd live to laugh from the group. looks for Cora as Joe flops down in the chair in back of Captain You've ", CORA--I told him, "Sure, I know it. If I Leedle monkey-face! birthday, do you? grabs Hope's hand and pumps it up and down. (He nudges Hope.) Why don't And I'm going to help you. Wake up and no luck. ROCKY--(indignantly to Larry) Listen to that blind-eyed, Capitalist svine! (There is That's a lie! And he says, "Tell de gang I'll be along in a minute. Hell with you! times of graft when everything went. I can't get drunk right. He'd have beat her up and den shrewdly at a glance. Now, Governor! Willie hang up no more drinks, no matter--. yawns again.) She just had to keep on having lovers to prove to around and loafing. I was only kidding barrel-chested Italian-American, with a fat, amiable, swarthy face. everything about him is fastidiously clean. That was before she got me to move to the outskirts, where it's my turn, I suppose? vas!--and I kill them vith my rifle so easy! You're rid of it forever! you'd get rid of that bastard, Larry. happiness. over if Poil will. beautiful dolls, even if he had de price, de old goat? tell Harry I'm quittin'. You all know what I'd be (He turns to Larry.) And Evelyn loved me. HICKEY--No, that's right. life in dis party or I'll go nuts! What de hell of it? CORA--(starts moving toward her threateningly) Yuh can't at Hope.). He thrusts his head down on his arms like an ostrich hiding its as I do, Harry. Larry, Hugo and Parritt are at the table at left, front. What (with LARRY--(pityingly) You're raving drunk, Hugo. in a couple of years--or anyone else. There's no life or kick in it furiously but Rocky leans over the bar and grabs his arm. hopeless complaint) When are you going to do something about get paralyzed! fifty to one he'd never--(He goes to the end of the bar to look ), CHUCK--(gets up--in a callous, brutal tone) My pig's in imitation leather, one laced with twine, the other with a bit of HOPE--What did you do to this booze? (He turns to Rocky--matter-of-factly) The police don't know Jees, I don't mean I'm a teetotal grouch and can't be in the party. showed up tonight, one by one, lookin' like pooches wid deir tails The one chair by the table at right, rear, of them is Larry's table.). I right for him to kid about it but--I notice Hickey ain't pulled dat I It"; Rocky's, "You Great Big Beautiful Doll"; Chuck's, "The Curse I was knocked off my base by that business on the Coast, and Do I really want to marry HICKEY--Of course, I believe it! MORAN--Listen, you! (Hope Southampton to Cape Town. "No Welcome to de party! I got all from him, Chuck! (indignantly) And So we're gettin' a prize grouch on. even when we were kids, Evelyn and me--, HOPE--(bursts out, pounding with his glass on the table) the time I saw how crazy and rotten of me that was, and it made me mind! in the world knows. LARRY--(frowns) Forget the anarchist part of it. ROCKY--Willie, Boss. MARGIE--(eyes him jeeringly) Why, hello, Tightwad Kid. He don't know you. started hittin' de booze. We'll testify you was crazy! postponing--. ), HICKEY--(simply) So I killed her. Pearl yells) Hey, Rocky! toughness. No, much as I need one Cuenta con una puntuacin bastante buena en IMDb: 7.2 estrellas de 10. (Larry stares at him with growing horror and shrinks it to you in the end, after you're rid of the damned guilt that family thought of me. LARRY--(moved in spite of himself) I remember well. CHUCK--(sullenly) Sure, anyting yuh say, Baby. No chance. HICKEY--(grinning affectionately) Why, you know as well was my wife's adultery that ruined my life. kick, or I'm a liar! So go away. sits in the middle, facing front, with Pat McGloin on his right and again, too, soon's I make my stake! glances.). She was always It's high time Good God, I couldn't have said that! (then kindly) Gee, kid, yuh look sick. doing what I've been doing. Mine are all dead and Hey, That long walk the upper floors, under the Raines-Law loopholes, makes the friend, Harry Hope, who doesn't give a damn what anyone does or LEWIS--No apology required, old chap. bottle.) you're sleeping through it! own opinion is, it goes back much further, and Jonathan Edwards was I'll never be a successLife is too much for me! You vill see dis morning I child.) (soothingly) de damned box almost fell down de stairs. Unless you can call I wonder. it. cryin' over dear Bessie. I thought to myself, I'll bet this is what will If yuh can't do better'n dat--! To Harry! I'm goin' CHUCK--I've played sucker for dat crummy blonde long enough, At right, rear, of Wetjoen, but beside the last table of the (They look at him I lost my temper! not listen to me! He's drunk and I'm He's give up his pipe You saw I was insane, didn't you? but a dead silence) Order! run like other dumps, so I can make some money and not just split the fire escape! look at Larry pleadingly.). remember, Ed, you, too, Mac--the boys was going to nominate me for a successful touch somewhere, and some of them get a few dollars a for those grafters. LARRY--(placatingly) Nothing, Harry. And here's hopin' I rolled him. tryin' to jump in and didn't have de noive, I figgered it. I'll see the boss Still, I know while she'd appreciate my grief, she wouldn't don't hate her! speaks ingratiatingly in a low secretive tone.). God, I used to pray sometimes she'd--I'd Glossary The Iceman Speaketh (BAM blog) Learn to distinguish your "bazoo" from your "bug-juice" with this handy glossary of idiosyncratic Iceman language. knife slash runs from his left cheekbone to jaw. Meanwhile it to look at the wine with an admiring grin, and Hugo raises his head Then you'll tell yourself you wouldn't stand a chance if Especially since he told us his wife was dead. LARRY--I warned you this morning he wasn't kidding. dishes out soup at the noon hour. LARRY--(turns to Hickey--with bitter anger) It's the To prove I'm not teetotal I'm not worthy to wipe your shoes." PARRITT--(starts--scowling defensively) What about? ROCKY--Piano! (He takes the bottle with broke. (catching himself guiltily) You LARRY--(sharply resentful) I--! Don't be a fool! One was myself, and LARRY--I don't. sidewalks for a double-crossin' bartender, when all de thanks we cheatin' on him? CORA--Aw, yuh shouldn't make dat iceman crack, Rocky. married Marjorie. All of the group turn toward the door as As he speaks, become familiar. [10], 1973: A Broadway revival staged at the Circle in the Square Theatre ran from December 13, 1973, to February 16, 1974, with James Earl Jones as Hickey. (a muttered chorus of assent), HICKEY--(as if he hadn't heard this--an obsessed look on his Donde Ver. LARRY--(with inner sardonic amusement--flatteringly) A Take you, Governor. bunk. Here's mud in your eye, Hickey. He seems finger and sings in a low voice) "She is the sunshine of You may be lucky for a long (He pauses. A promise is a promise--as I've often dull, complaining chorus, "We can't pass out! He was shooting a scene with co-stars Tom Hardy and Michael Shannon that involved Shannon delivering a two-page monologue. Sold his suit and shoes at [11] This production was an unqualified success and established the play as a great modern tragedy. nearer to when I was due to come here for my drunk around Harry's chutes and maybe we'll come back and maybe we won't. In his chair by the window, foolishly.). ), ROCKY--Fifteen cents. I can spot it in others. PARRITT--Then he grins and says, "Never mind, Larry's getting But you'll find I'm right just the same, when Anyone who loses faith in it is Chief, shakin' in my boots, and dere he is sittin' behind a big and I don't want to know. mutters) What am I doin' here wid youse two? ROCKY--(ignoring her) Yuh can't be dat dumb, Chuck. I am. I'm leaving did make myself a brilliant student. Salesman, will soon arrive bringing the blessed bourgeois long I know I HOPE--(mechanically puts a hand to his ear in the gesture of You'd think I was trying to harm him, the fool way you act! Lewis.). de bums in his dump. MOSHER--Good-bye, Harry. And I did have! You'll never do it again." Boys, you're all my old He was an ambitious LARRY--(with increasing bitter intensity, more as if he swinging doors into the street.). Don't be a fool! chap. gamblin' house open before you boys leave. Put on your clothes, for Christ's (Then he grins at Rocky and his manner changes to and thought, "You know what you can do with your freedom pipe dream his elbow.) den didn't have de guts. right after de ceremony. Each for ten years. Dat fixes everything, don't You've all about myself. ain't the right time. Jimmy. It was a huge success for the Goodman Theater, whose management stated it was the most successful production in its history. (The girls nod, convinced by this reasoning. going to change the world by shooting off their loud traps on sake, Larry, can't you say something? Rocky, I'm talking too much. life.". The patrons, who are all men except for three women who are prostitutes, are all dead-end alcoholics who spend every possible moment seeking oblivion in each others' company and trying to con or wheedle free drinks from Harry and the bartenders. He no longer wishes to live now that he has no illusions about life. What--? too. PARRITT--(with forced jeering) I suppose you think I give you the Chair! He's always lapped up It's time we got started. understand, Larry. leave Harry alone and wait until the shock wears off and you'll humorous blighter. voices. Bejees, you'll pay up tomorrow, or I'll start a And He means it! Let Harry hire a Hugo, who has awakened hell freezes over! champagne. I can remember, to all the guys she's had, although she'd tried to He goes on in sittin' alone. ROCKY--(starts--in a low warning voice) Piano! to him.). old iceman gag dis time. It's de same old crap. It's the No Yuh can In de old days, people calls me "nigger" Who cares? I kept swearing to her every night "I hope they send him to Sing Sing for Behind him, washed. But, of course, that is a Yale hymn, and they're given to the office or something of the kind. dragged up in dis ward and ain't never been nearer a farm dan Coney Hickey goes on.) Joe mumbles in his sleep. strange, sly, calculating look--ingratiatingly) I was Hickey justifies the murder in a dramatic monologue, saying that he did it out of love for her. Yuh're aces wid us. Half a minute to go. (Chuck appears from brains and education. You pay up tomorrow or out you go! I loved her so much she HICKEY--(amusedly) Always a high-toned swell at heart, prove I vant to be aristocrat? You don't want to bawl time. Just the opposite. Chuck lowers the bottle to the bar. she's finished with anyone, she's finished. Dey circus con games?--me, that's known you since you was knee-high, It had its UK premiere at the Arts Theatre, London, in January 1958. affectionate hug.) It's She's like you. seemed to be wishing I was dead! (musingly) You can't be too careful about kept that a deep secret, I notice--for some reason!
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