A score of 70-74% or A or Marginal Distinction from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 60-69% or B or Bare Distinction/Credit is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Accountants with an ACCA qualification may find this area the easiest to move to, since it's widely recognised and accepted throughout the EU. Alternatively IB, A-Levels, APs. Typically these are practically based, occupationally specific and prepare students to enter the labour market. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. Alternatively IB, A Levels accepted. Bachelor or equivalent. A score of 4.0 or 80 is considered comparable to a UK 2:1 and a score of 3.5 or 75 is comparable to a UK 2:2. Completing NCEA Level 3 is the equivalent of completing the standard Australian Year 12 programme. A score of 8.5-9.5 from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 7-8.5 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Alternatively IB, A-Levels, APs. ACA qualifications are also recognised by EU member states, according to the ICAEW, and accountants can receive their accountancy or audit recognition in these states simply by passing an aptitude test. b. total at least 4 years of (full-time or part-time equivalent) higher education study; and. Postgraduate: A score of 80 from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 60 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. IB and A Levels will be considered. You can have your qualifications assessed according to Australian educational standards, if you: are a Queensland resident with permission to work and/or study. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. APs and SAT IIs will be required. Degrees can be awarded as a percentage (%), CGPA out of 4.0 or 5.0 or 7.0, please see equivalencies below. Warwick IFP: Complete the High School Diploma Academic Track with 85% in the final year, Postgraduate: Typically holders of bachelors degrees from Centre of Excellence will be considered for entry to postgraduate programmes. A score of 7.5 or 75 from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 6.5 or 65 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Undergraduate: The Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools' Grade 12 Certificate is considered comparable to the overall A-Level Standard, with Advanced Mathematics and two Advanced level electives comparable to A-level on a subject-for-subject basis. The UK Centre for Professional Qualifications provides official advice and support for the recognition of international professional qualifications in the UK. 0. PostgraduateLink opens in a new window: Bachelors degrees are considered comparable to a UK Bachelor's degree. CAPE applicants should offer grades of I or II across all subject areas to be considered at Warwick. in a degree course at a Higher Education Institute . A four year Bachelor's degree from a recognised university in Libya with a score of: A two year Masters degree and four year Bachelor's degree from a recognised university in Libya are required for PhD study, Undergraduate: Matura certificate (Type B or Type E) will be considered for direct entry. Postgraduate: University of the West Indies - A score of 3.50 or B+ or 80-90% is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 2.00 or C or 60-80% is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. In the 1-3 system, we typically require marks of 2 or above. Click here for an overview of the entry requirements for applicants from Sweden, Undergraduate: Typically we require the Federal Maturity Certificate / Maturitatszeugnis with a minimum of 5.0 to 5.5 overall. To compare your qualification: Search for your foreign qualification on the NARIC database. Alternatively IB, A-Levels, APs or two years of a Bachelors degree from a local recognised university for entry to undergraduate programmes. Postgraduate: Typically we require a Diploma de Estudos Superiores Especializados (DESE) or Licenciado. Warwick IFPLink opens in a new window: General Secondary Certificate with a minimum of 80% overall in the final year, UndergraduateLink opens in a new window: Warwick IFP required. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. No direct equivalence between awards is possible; UK ENIC instead focuses on comparisons. Postgraduate: Minimum of Maitrise. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. Studied full-time, the qualification normally takes one year or two years part-time. Warwick IFP: West African Senior School Certificate Examination, School Certificate or General Certificate of Education (ordinary) with five passes at Grade B3. Postgraduate: Minimum of 4 - 5 years Licenciatura (Cape Verde) or Licenciado (Portugal) is typically deemed equivalent to a UK bachelors degree. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP Required. Warwick IFP: Form 5 - Achieve an average of at least 70% overall across your core units. Also see France. Please contact the International Office for more information, Warwick IFP: Complete the Bachiller with at least 8/10 overall in the final year. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. For courses requiring a UK First Class: GPA 3.4 Please ask if you are uncertain whether your qualification is accepted for direct entry to undergraduate programmes. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. Australian Year 12 . When considering scaled predicted grades, the University of Warwick will typically look at the lower grade and the stream of the Diploma de Esame di Stato. We pay our respects to the people, the cultures and the elders past, present and emerging. An A-level in the essential subject would be required to satisfy this criteria. Alternatively A Levels, IB, American, Indian, and European systems considered. Warwick IFP: High school certificate is considered for entry, Warwick IFP: The high school qualification is considered for entry. Click here for an overview of the entry requirements for applicants from Romania. Any enquiries relating to pay equity qualification equivalencies should be directed to the Ministry of Health. Warwick IFP: Complete the General Secondary Education Certificate Examination (Thanawiya) with an overall score of 80% in the final year. Warwick IFP: Complete the Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou with an overall grade of 16 in the final year, Undergraduate: Students taking the Greek High School qualification (Apolytirion) need to take a Foundation year or 3 additional A-levels. See entrance requirements for New Zealand or Australia if studies completed in these countries. Below is a brief outline of the steps required to gain licensing for someone who is qualified in their trade in their home country. USP Foundation Programme not typically accepted for admission to undergraduate programmes. Postgraduate: Typically we will consider a Licenciatura (four years) as equivalent to a UK Bachelors with a grade of 81% (Sobresaliente) as equivalent to a 2:1 though this does vary depending on the grading system used by the institution. Hurdle requirements. This is the general certificate of education for which the final exams are done in Year 13. How can you know what your degree score is equivalent to? Warwick IFP: Complete the General Secondary Education Certificate (Thanawiya) with a minimum of 80% overall in the final year. Australia recognises NCEA Level 3 as broadly equivalent to its Senior Secondary Certificates of Education, and accepts NCEA results for applications for entry to Australian universities. Alternatively IB, A-Levels, APs, Indian Standard XII (see India) will be considered. A score of 14/20 or Bien from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 12-13/20 or Assez Bien is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. USP Foundation Programme not typically accepted for admission to undergraduate programmes. For one of my courses in Adelaide, this requirement was a minimum seminar attendance. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. Curso de Orientacin Universitaria (COU) / Ttulo de Bachillerato grades +8 (Spain), Postgraduate: Minimum of four year degree from Universidad Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial may be considered however typically students will also require a pre-masters qualification from a recognised UK institution, Undergraduate: Warwick IFP Required. This is especially important information for recruiters who are looking to recruit those with non-UK degrees, and need to work out if the candidate fits the requirements of the role. Equivalent to Australian year 10 or 11. Postgraduate: A Bachelors degree with a minimum of around 15 is generally considered as equivalent to a 2:1 for postgraduate entry. Candidates from the University of Papua New Guinea will typically require a minimum of 4.0/5.0. Postgraduate: Typically we require Kandidaattii/Kandidat awarded pre-1993 or post 2007 or the Maisteri/Magister. NVQ Level 3 equivalent - 2 A Levels. For any postgraduate research courses where the minimum requirement is a Masters degree, a Masters degree from a recognised Iranian institution with an overall score of 15/20 is required in addition to a four-year Bachelor degree, Warwick IFP: Complete the Secondary School Certificate with an overall score of 75% in the final year. - Bachelors degree in Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science A typical grade of 4/6 would be required, Postgraduate: Typically a Fachhochschule Diplom considered comparable to British Bachelor's degree. Level 5. Postgraduate: University of the West Indies - A score of B+ or 63% from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of C or 50% is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. For other grading systems, please contact the International Office. Undergraduate: Typically we require the Studentsprof with a minimum of 7.25 overall. Grading scale out of 5.0: a score of 4.3 - 4.69 out of 5.0 from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 3.9 - 4.29 out of 5.0 is considered comparable to a 2.2. Please note that the Cypriot Apolytirion may not be used to satisfy any essential subject requirements, for example Mathematics. Alternatively see entrance requirements for the IB, APs, France, New Zealand, or Australia if studying at a school with an international curriculum. Please note: If you hold a NVQ/SVQ, Degree, FETAC or QQI qualification issued in the Republic of Ireland you can apply directly to CSCS, you do not need to contact Ecctis. Website: www.umalusi.org.za. Warwick IFP: Complete the Certificate of Graduation from Secondary School (Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Atas) with at least 80% in final year. Warwick IFP: High School qualification considered for entry, Undergraduate: IB, A-Levels or American system. Warwick IFP: The Baccalaurat qualifies students for direct entry to undergraduate programmes. Undergraduate: Typically we require the Dravna Matura (state exam) with a minimum of 4.5 to 5 overall, to include 3 compulsory exams at higher level. Warwick IFP: Complete the Higher Secondary Certificate/Alim with an overall GPA in the final year of 3.5/5.0, Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. Pre masters programme from a recognised institution may be required, Warwick IFP: High School qualification is considered for entry. Postgraduate: University of the West Indies - A score of B, 65% or GPA of 3.0 is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of B-, 60% or GPA of 2.7 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Postgraduate: Typically we require a Bakalar degree (issued post 2002). Alternatively IB, A Levels or American system accepted. Postgraduate: Minimum of Maitrise. Warwick IFPLink opens in a new window: Brunei-Cambridge GCE O Level and/or high school qualification is considered for entry. USP Foundation Programme not typically accepted for admission to undergraduate programmes. A score of 14-15/20 or Bien from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 12-13/20 or Assez Bien is considered comparable to a UK 2.2, Undergraduate: Advanced Matriculation and Matriculation Certificate Examination are comparable to A Levels with the same grading system as UK A levels, Postgraduate: Bachelors degree with honours is considered comparable to UK Bachelors degree, with the same grading system as the UK, Warwick IFP: High school qualifications considered for entry, Postgraduate: Applicants will typically require a Maitrise, Diplome d'Etude Approfondies, Diplome d'Etude Superieures, or Diplome d'Etude Superieures Specialisees with a minimum of 14 (Bien). A score of B or 3.0 or 80 from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of C or 2.0 or 73 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Postgraduate: Typically we consider a Licenciatura as equivalent to a UK bachelors degree. or Diplome d'Etude Superieures Specialisees. * Due to the UK leaving the European Union, the UK NARIC . Certain Schools may also consider or a high pass in a three-year ordinary degree from a recognised Australian university. Postgraduate: Minimum of Bakalavr, Specialist Diploma, Magister. Postgraduate: A score of 80-89% from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 65-79% is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. YES, YEAR 13!! Alternatively IB, A-Levels or Aps. Warwick IFP: Complete the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) with a minimum of grade B+ or 65% overall in the final year. Warwick IFP: The Diploma de Esame di Stato qualifies students for direct entry to undergraduate programmes. Undergraduate: 3 A-Levels. An overview of our entry requirements for applicants from Pakistan, Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. Unlike Australian and South African universities, British Honours bachelor's degree is granted by basing on the academic results rather than additional coursework of students. Warwick IFP: Link opens in a new windowHigh school qualification considered for entry, UndergraduateLink opens in a new window: Warwick IFP required. Level 5 in three electives with no less than 3 in any other subject except Chinese. Alternatively IB, A-Levels or APs, Postgraduate: Typically we require a Bachelor Degree with a score of 7- 8.9 being considered comparable to a UK 2.1, and a score of 5- 6.9 being considered comparable to a UK 2.2, Undergraduate: Typically we require the Diplome Van Secundair Onderwijs with a minimum of 75% - 90% overall or the Enseignement secondaire 3me degr/Prparation au Suprieur with grades 13/20 - 16/20. A score of 81-90, B or Bueno from Universidad de Panama is considered comparable to a UK 2:1, and a score of 71-80, C or Regular is comparable to a UK 2:2. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. Please contact the Latin America Team for more information. Diploma de Esame di Stato with a minimum of 90% to 95% overall including 3 State (Italian) Examinations, Postgraduate: Minimum of four year degree will also typically require a pre-masters qualification from a recognised UK institution. A score of Met Genoegen (Cum Laude - with distinction/8) from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of Met Goed Gevolg is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. a. include a program of initial teacher education at the Bachelor degree level or higher; and. Current List of International Coaching Qualifications Regarded as Equivalent to UKCC Level 2*: New Zealand Level 1 Development Coaching - Level 2 - High Performance; Cricket Australia Level 1, Community Coach - Level 2 Representative Coach - Level 3 High Performance; South African Level 2 (Bakers Academy) - South African Level 1 (please note that the SA Level 1 Bakers Academy is not suitable). As far as I know, almost all of the UK students get their degree in honours (e.g. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. The third criterion is whether your academic level of qualification is comparable at least to an Australian Bachelor Degree at level 7 (registered nurse or midwife) or Australian Diploma level 5 (enrolled nurse) of the Australian Qualifications Framework. Alternatively IB, A-Levels, APs. Undergraduate: Applicants holding IB, A-level or CAPE high school leaving qualifications will be considered for undergraduate entry. If you're anorganisationinvolved in the assessment of overseas qualifications, or international mobility, you can also findthe support services we offer. or equivalent* OR (AQF) Certificate 3 or Certificate 4 qualification . These qualifications were submitted and assessed for equivalency and there were four possible outcomes: It is determined as being equivalent, at NZ Certificate in Health & Wellbeing Levels 2, 3 or 4 It is determined as 'Not Equivalent' Postgraduate: Typically 80% + in a Masters programme from a recognised University-level institution will be required. Please click here for further information on VVO grade equivalencies. Postgraduate: Typically we require a Bachelor's degree (started after 2006) or Diplom or Lizentiat or Staatsdiplom/Diplme d'Etat. A Bachelors and Masters degree from a recognised Egyptian university, with minimum final grades in both of: 3.0 (out of 4.0) GPA, 75%, Very Good, or B. A score of 5.5 from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 5.0 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. However exact requirements do vary according to the institution and specific department studied at. SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALS University of the South Pacific) with 'A'/high GPA grades, with particularly high scores in degree relevant subjects. Alternatively see entrance requirements for the IB, APs, France, New Zealand, or Australia if studying at a school with an international curriculum. USP Foundation Programme not typically accepted for admission to undergraduate programmes. Please note: Below is a list of countries . Postgraduate: A 4-year bachelors degree from a recognised institution with the following minimum score: First Class:84% (GPA of 3.65/4.0) Level 6 - Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree. Alternatively see entrance requirements for the IB, APs, France, New Zealand, or Australia if studying at a school with an international curriculum. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. Postgraduate: Typically we consider a four year bachelors degree as acceptable for admission. Another thing I discovered from my year abroad in Australia (that I hadn't encountered in the UK) was the idea of a ' hurdle requirement ', which is something that you must complete in order to pass the course. Warwick IFPLink opens in a new window: High school qualification considered for entry. See also France, Warwick IFP: High school qualifications will be considered for entry, Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. For other institutions please contact the Regional Team at LatinAmerica@warwick.ac.uk. 2.1: 73% (GPA 3.0 out of 4.0) Postgraduate: University of the West Indies - A score of B, 65% or GPA of 3.0 from a well ranked university is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of B-, 60% or GPA of 2.7 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Warwick IFP: Baccalaurat de l'Enseignement Secondairewith an overall final score of 15/20, Undergraduate: Warwick IFP or other accepted international qualifications (A Level, IB, French Baccalaureate, US APs). For students not taking the NIS Grade 12 certificate, we would require either Warwick IFP or two years of local university study. A Bachelors and Masters degree from a recognised Syrian institution, with a minimum final grade of: Warwick IFP: Complete the Senior High School Leaving Certificate with 70% in 5 related subjects.
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