Also one of the two thus drawn to Him first finds his own brother Simon (with the words, We have found the Messiah), and led him to Jesus, who forthwith gave him his new name in terms which surveyed, with equal ease and certainty, past, present, and future. But this is the command of God, That men should believe on his Son, 1Jo 3:23. So only is man born of God. (John 2:1-25) The change of water into wine manifested His glory as the beginning of signs; and He gave another in this early purging of the temple of Jerusalem. Not only is there no healing to be extracted from the law by a sinner, but the law makes more evident the disease, if it does not also aggravate the symptoms. But let them beware how they perverted it. "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." A second and wholly new man appears the bread of God, not of man, but for men. John 4:1-54 presents the Lord Jesus outside Jerusalem outside the people of promise among Samaritans, with whom Jews had no intercourse. And herein is that true saying, One soweth, and another reapeth. Very remarkable are the following words of the Jews (b) concerning the Messiah, whom they call the latter Redeemer: "whosoever believes in him "shall" live; but he that believes not in him shall go to the nations of the world, and they shall kill him.''. The close of the chapter shows us the Lord in Galilee. His was an errand incomparably deeper, more worthy of God, and suitable to One "full of grace and truth." The anger of God for sin. For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him." Law, means, ordinances, could not meet the need no pool, nor angel nothing but the Son working in grace, the Son quickening. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:17-21 (A) Condemn the World. Compare wrath of the Lamb (Revelation 6:16). This is the more striking, because, as we have seen, the world and Israel, rejecting Him, are also themselves, as such, rejected from the first. He that believeth not Or, obeyeth not - : from , negative, and , to persuade, or , to obey-the want of the obedience of faith. Jesus is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, but withal, as he had said, the eternal One, yet in view of His manifestation to Israel (and, therefore, John was come baptizing with water a reason here given, but not to the Pharisees in verses 25-27). In truth, Christian baptism did not yet exist, but only such as the disciples used, like John the Baptist; it was not instituted of Christ till after His resurrection, as it sets forth His death. (John 3:36 ASV), He that believes on the Son has life eternal, and he that is not subject to the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides upon him. John 3:36 Translation & Meaning. Clarke's Commentary. . If a man looks at the Lord Jesus as One who entered the world in a general way, and calls this the incarnation, he will surely stumble over the cross. While both . It was much, yet was it little of the glory that was His; but at least it was real; and to the one that has shall be given. But there was this difference from the former occasion, that, at the marriage in Cana (John 2:1-25), the change of the water into wine was clearly millennial in its typical aspect. I titled an earlier message from John 1:15-18, "Why You Should Believe in Jesus.". This brings in the great counterpart truth, that even God present on earth and made flesh is not enough. Life resurrection will display how little they had to be ashamed of, who believed the record given of His Son; the resurrection of judgment will make but too plain, to those who despised the Lord, both His honour and their sin and shame. One of the peculiarities of our gospel is, that we see the Lord from time to time (and, indeed, chiefly) in or near Jerusalem. He redeemed us from the curse of the Law, and secured redemption and the forgiveness of sin, for all who would trust in His finished work at Calvary for the salvation of their soul. While almost all entity This wrath (comp. A cash balance plan is an excellent choice for owners and employees when considering how to provide cost-effective retirement benefits. But it is important we should know how He entered the world. Cf. Warning: spoilers for the Season 1 finale of 1923, "Nothing Left to Lose" beyond this point. Do they receive Him not? He could be declared only by One who was a divine person in the intimacy of the Godhead, yea, was the only-begotten Son in the bosom of the Father. In our text, John hits it once more (and it won't be the last time! All this, however, was abstract, whether as to the nature of the Word or as to the place of the Christian. Thus it is not the Spirit of God simply giving a new nature; neither is it the Holy Ghost given as the power of worship and communion with His God and Father. 47 Add to cart SaltDogg Part # 3001523 - Hex Flange Nut 1/2-13 SST 0 SaltDogg Part # 3001523 - Hex Flange Nut 1/2-13 SST $ 1. It would not suit God, if it would suit man, that He, seeing all, should just pronounce on man's corruption, and then forthwith let him off with a bare pardon. 29) on which, as it were, Jesus speaks and acts in His grace as here shown on the earth. (John 3: 36) "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him" The sentence has both expressed and implied meaning. There is difference of manner for the world and His own ignorance and rejection. The word, which occurs only here in the Gospels, is not the same as that at the beginning of the verse, and shows that the faith there intended is the subjection of the . What can be more evident, or more instructive? What love! All others prove not only that they are bad, but that they hate perfect goodness, and more than that, life and light the true light in the Word. This verse is the only place where God's wrath is mentioned in the gospel of John. Once we step into the light God gives us a new life. It is here life begunthe first breathings and pantings of the soul for immortality; yet it is life, though at first feeble and faint, which is eternal in its nature, and which shall be matured in the full and perfect bliss of heaven. The temptation is to hide your light. John 3:36 - Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary - The present tense. He saw him under the fig tree. Everlasting life could only be had by faith in Him, and might be thus obtained; whereas all those, who believe not in the Son of God, cannot partake of salvation, but the wrath of God for ever rests upon them.Barnes' Notes on the BibleHath everlasting life - Has or is in possession of that which is a recovery from spiritual death, and which will result in eternal life in heaven. He entered this world, became flesh, as born of woman; but there was no diminution of His own glory, when He, born of the virgin, walked on earth, or when rejected of man, cut off as Messiah, He was forsaken of God for sin our sin on the cross. (ver. Her life is laid before her by His voice, and she confesses to Him that God Himself spoke to her in His words: "Sir [said she], I perceive that thou art a prophet." But there was a man who had been infirm for thirty and eight years. But here these streams of the Spirit are substituted for the feast of tabernacles, which cannot be accomplished till Christ come from heaven and show Himself to the world; for this time was not yet come. Still the Lord refused the crown then: it was not the time or state for His reign. John, therefore, who had been the honoured witness before of God's call, "the voice," etc., does now by the outpouring of his heart's delight, as well as testimony, turn over, so to say, his disciples to Jesus. JOHN DEERE #M47886 LOT OF 2 WALK BEHIND MOWER WHEEL CAPS J215. They are a fitting and honorable . Nicodemus remonstrates but is spurned; all retire to their home Jesus, who had none, to the mount of Olives. He is ever God; He is the Son; He quickens and raises from the dead. It will abide or dwell there as its appropriate habitation. Nothing less than everlasting life in Christ can deliver: otherwise there remains judgment. (VersesJohn 7:33-36; John 7:33-36) Jesus was returning to Him that sent Him, and the Holy Ghost would be given. Answer: John 3:16 does not say that unbelievers have the ability of their own sinful free will, to receive Christ. Nor was it yet complete. Burge favors the third view. Compare 1 Peter 4:17; Romans 2:8; Romans 11:30, Romans 11:31. For as the Father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; and hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. To the Pharisees, indeed, his words as to the Lord are curt: nor does he tell them of the divine ground of His glory, as he had before and does after. Thus, in fact, we have the Lord setting aside what was merely Messianic by the grand truths of the incarnation, and, above all, of the atonement, with which man must have vital association: he must eat yea, eat and drink. This the Lord refuses, and goes up the mountain to pray, His disciples being meanwhile exposed to a storm on the lake, and straining after the desired haven till He rejoins them, when immediately the ship was at the land whither they went. Thus we have here the other side of the truth: not merely what God is in life and light, in grace and truth, as revealed in Christ coming down to man; but man is now judged in the very root of his nature, and proved to be entirely incapable, in his best state, of seeing or entering the kingdom of God. The word, which occurs only here in the Gospels, is not the same as that at the beginning of the verse, and shows that the faith there intended is the subjection of the will . 2. "For God," He says, "so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." Jesus, therefore, answered, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. (Verses John 7:16-18) , The Jews kept not the law) and wished to kill Him who healed man in divine love. Eternal lifeis only received by believing that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners and that salvation is a gracious gift of God. They had eyes, but they saw not; ears had they, but they heard not, nor did they understand His glory. The one who comes from heaven is above all. God does not here condescend to call it His, though, of course, it was His and holy, just, and good, both in itself and in its use, if used lawfully. It is not simply the new birth such as a saint might, and always must, have had, in order to vital relations with God at any time. Footnotes. VERSION, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica. The Lord Jesus did, without question, take humanity in His person into that glory which He so well knew as the Son of the Father. (ver. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. He that comes from above from heaven is above all. What does John 3:16 mean? | Piety here is the same that it will be there, except that it will be expanded, matured, purified, made more glorious. The Christian here has a foretaste of the world of glory, and enjoys the same kind of felicity, though not the same degree, that he will there.Shall not see life - Shall neither enjoy true life or happiness here nor in the world to come. They wonder, as they had murmured before (John 7:12-15); but Jesus shows that the desire to do God's will is the condition of spiritual understanding. All is in the character of the Son of man. Man is morally judged. Nicodemus was told: "Unless a person is born from above he cannot see the kingdom of God." Unless one has a new birth, a spiritual birth, one cannot see God's kingdom. The Jews, then, who could not help, and pitied not their fellow in his long infirmity and disappointment, are scandalized to see him, safe and sound, carrying his couch on that day. It is here life begun the first breathings and pantings of the soul for immortality; yet it is life, though at first feeble and faint, which is eternal in its nature, and which shall be matured in the full and perfect bliss of heaven. " Undeniably, these words of the Lord are truths. Here is John 3:16 in 22 different English Bible . The fact is, John 3:18 does not say all non-Christians go to hell. Hence, after having first unmistakably laid down the necessity of the cross, He next shows the grace that was manifested in the gift of Jesus. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? (Verse John 1:9) The world therefore surely ought to have known its Maker. To Believe means to Obey John 3:16 | Exodus 2 The Kingdom Therefore, it seems to me, He adds verse 24. And as life is in the person of the Son, so God in sending Him meant not that the smallest uncertainty should exist for aught so momentous. hath everlasting life; he has it in Christ his head, in whom he believes; he has a right unto it through the justifying righteousness of Christ, and a meetness for it by his grace; he has it in faith and hope; he has the beginning of it in the knowledge of Christ, and communion with him; he has some foretastes of it in his present experience; and he has the earnest and pledge of it in his heart, even the blessed Spirit, who works him up for this selfsame thing: and he that believeth not the Son; that does not believe Christ to be the Son of God, or Jesus to be the Messiah; or rejects him as the Saviour; who lives and dies in a state of impenitence and unbelief: shall not see life; eternal life; he shall not enter into it, and enjoy it; he shall die the second death. And he answered, No. Observe: not which was, but "which is." A greater work was in hand; and this, as the rest of the chapter shows us, not a Messiah lifted up, but the true bread given He who comes down out of heaven, and gives life to the world; a dying, not a reigning, Son of man. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." Piety here is the same that it will be there, except that it will be expanded, matured, purified, made more glorious. Shall not see life is contrasted with the present possession of the believer. Does John 3:36 Require Faith + Works for Salvation? And in this He is sovereign. The great fact of the incarnation is brought before us "The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father"). (Comp. Scripture is, or may be, before man always. They had no common thoughts, feelings, or ways with the Father and the Son. John 1:35-40) Our Lord acts as One fully conscious of His glory, as indeed He ever was. The Spirit of God uses that word; it is thus invariably in conversion. John's desire, and the reason he existed, was to see Christ exalted and glorified. Do any believe on His name? John 3 - Unless a man or woman is born of the Spirit, born from above, they cannot be saved, because they are attempting to reach God the wrong way. A person does not have to do anything to become lost. It is not merely a Messiah, who comes and offers Himself, as we find in other gospels, with most painstaking diligence, and presented to their responsibility; but here from the outset the question is viewed as closed. For though the Son (that eternal life who was with the Father) was a man, in that very position had the Father given Him to have life in Himself, and to execute judgment also, because He is Son of man. hath everlasting lifealready has it. It is not that He denies the truth of what they were thus desiring and attached to. More correctly, as Rev., obeyeth not. So rich and transparently divine was the grace: not some souls, more meritorious than the rest, rewarded according to a graduated scale of honour, but "of his fulness have all we received." There is for him a present possession, which shall also remain. He lives continually in an economy which is alienated from God, and which, in itself, must be habitually the subject of God's displeasure and indignation. Thus, manifestly, the whole question is terminated at the very starting-point of our gospel; and this is characteristic of John all through: manifestly all is decided. (Verses John 5:1-7), On the other hand, the Lord speaks but the word: "Rise, take up thy couch and walk." The Bible says, " He that believes on the Son has everlasting life: and he that believes not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God stays on him " (John 3:36). Art thou Elias? Whoever lives a life of faith in the Son will experience the fullness . John 3:36 New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (NASB95) 36 "He who believes in the Son has eternal life ; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life , but the wrath of God abides on him." It is not denunciation, but the most solemn sentence in the calmest manner. This implies that he is now under the wrath of God, or under condemnation. For this is the work of God as well asthe command of God to all who are dead in their trespasses and sins: Believe in Him Whom He has sent, believe in Christ's finished work for the forgiveness sins and life everlasting. Most music is crap. The word here translated believeth not, is apeiywn, which often signifieth, one that is not obedient. John gives us this point of contact with them, though in an incident peculiar to himself. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. It seemed natural: He had fed the poor with bread, and why should not He take His place on the throne? Flesh and world are judged morally. (Verses John 4:20-30), The disciples marvelled that He spoke with the woman. For He who spoke was divine. And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment; but is passed from death unto life. It was worldliness in its worst shape, even to the point of turning the glory of Christ to a present account. John 3:28-30 Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. Both and are used in the New Testament for wrath or anger, and without any commonly observed distinction. Let them learn, then, that as Son of man (for which nature they despised Him, and denied His essential personal glory) He will judge; and this judgment will be no passing visitation, such as God has accomplished by angels or men in times past. Understand the meaning of John 3:36 using all available Bible versions and commentary. The words of Jesus were the words of God; he had the Spirit, not by measure, as the prophets, but in all fulness. Christ's clear command to all sinners is to believe His heavenly testimony: "For whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life, and will not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life." Her testimony bore the impress of what had penetrated her soul, and would make way for all the rest in due time. The [REAL] Meaning of John 3:16 NIV KJV - Christian Walls Here He is not portrayed as the Son of man who must be lifted up, but as the Son of God who was given. In the Word was life, and the life was the light of men. Be they who they may now, as many as receive Him become children of God. Then He rebukes the carnality of His brethren. No charge could be remoter from the truth. Indeed, Jesus is God the Son, son of God the Father. The Lord Jesus Didn't Bestow the Way of Eternal Life Upon Man. Man, dead in sins, was the object of His grace; but then man's state was such, that it would have been derogatory to God had that life been communicated without the cross of Christ: the Son of man lifted up on it was the One in whom God dealt judicially with the evil estate of man, for the, full consequences of which He made Himself responsible. But Jesus finds him in the temple, and said, "Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." It is the necessary aspect of love and holiness toward those who reject love, and wilfully sin. Better, he that obeyeth not the Son. Note.How flatly does this contradict the teaching of many in our day, that there neither was, nor is, anything in God against sinners which needed to be removed by Christ, but only in men against God! On the third day is the marriage in Cana of Galilee, where was His mother, Jesus also, and His disciples. John 1:17; John 1:17) The law, thus given, was in itself no giver, but an exacter; Jesus, full of grace and truth, gave, instead of requiring or receiving; and He Himself has said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. No doubt Jesus Himself had the Holy Ghost given to Him, as it was meet that He in all things should have the pre-eminence; but it shows yet more both the personal glory of Christ and the efficacy of His work, that He now gives the same Spirit to those who receive His testimony, and set to their seal that God is true. Why is John 3:16 the most famous verse in the Bible? (Verses John 3:11-13) He (and He was not alone here) knew God, and the things of God, consciously in Himself, as surely as He knew all men, and what was in man objectively. Of course, not all know that this has happened for them (and all humanity) and some who know, have rejected that truth. John 3:14-15; John 3:14-15) It is not a question simply of the Son of God, nor is He spoken of here as the Word made flesh. The refusal of His precious blood will, on the contrary, make their case incomparably worse than that of the heathen who never heard the good news. Here (John 5:1-47) the first view given of Christ is His person in contrast with the law. It is not now the revelation of God meeting man either in essential nature, or as manifested in flesh; nor is it the course of dispensational dealing presented in a parenthetic as well as mysterious form, beginning with John the Baptist's testimony, and going down to the millennium in the Son, full of grace and truth. Wayne Jackson (1997), "The Role of 'Works' in the Plan of . It will "abide" or "dwell" there as its appropriate habitation. This is the same idea explained in Scriptures such as John 3:18-19, Romans 1:20, and Romans 3:11. But none need hate, and none need live in wilful sin. Anyone who doesn't obey the Son will never experience eternal life but remains under God's angry judgment.'. The one, like the other, contributes to this great end, whether the Son of man necessarily lifted up, or the only begotten Son of God given in His love. For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will. What Does It Mean That There Is No One Holy Like God? "The law was given by Moses." Note.How flatly does this contradict the teaching of many in our day, that there neither was, nor is, anything in God against sinners which needed to be removed by Christ, but only in men against God! And they haven't even carefully read what John 3:18 itself says. The resurrection of the Lord is not more truly a demonstration of His power and glory, than the only deliverance for disciples from the thraldom of Jewish influence. They knew what they worshipped, but not the Father, nor were they "true." The Syriac and Arabic versions render it, "shall abide upon him"; so some copies. (VersesJohn 5:8-12; John 5:8-12), But were the Jews mistaken after all in thinking that the seal of the first covenant was virtually broken in that deliberate word and warranty of Jesus?
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