However, with so much 12th house a individuals, and then as a couple, can there be something more than We are fated, but we are meant to part. Youre writing is inspired. intresting to know why its so bad. Thank You so much for Your answer! 00 Angel Number, 00 Angel Number Twin Flame. It usually indicates that there is something karmic surrounding that planet that needs fixingit is, in a prior life, something that was missed or misused between them. Our mars is in cap in 3rd house and mars in 11th house libra. When transit Uranus is in the composite 12th house, you may make changes together but quietly behind the scenes, with no one watching. So I had to find an answer without destroying so many other lives or breaking up relationships. let go or fight for it? you are right on target- although I forgot to mention that our trine is in 4th,8th and 12th you are an amazing teacher and your articales on your site have helped me tremendously. And youre so right, because there is something about the compo 12 th house ! Saturn is the heaviest aspected planet in this composite, which actually reinforces the intensity of the Moon/Saturn-opposite theme from synastry. When transit Venus is in the composite 12th house, you may enjoy being affectionate with one another when no one else around is around to pry and its just the two of you in a personal relationship. In the composite only our venus and moon are conjunct in the 12th. Black Moon Lilith in the Houses - How Does Your Dark - Pathstrology I cant stop the regretful feelings. Haunting (I have my moon in Scorpio in the 12th house along with Saturn and Pluto). Sometimes the ego gets in the way of our path, whether through fear, resistance to growth, resistance to break old habits and personal tendencies, or through a lack of interest in what is wanted of us. The lesson they teach is that we do not have to possess love in order to experience it. Transit Venus in the Composite 12th House. Neptune is also in the 12th, but hanging back a bit and squaring Neptune- yikes. You cant really know how an aspect is going to manifest without looking at the whole chart, but it is true that conjunctions from the 12th house side are very complex. Also my moon is conjuct to his sun both ways. Astrology Symbols, Elements, Modalities, & House Types. For whatever reason, you may have a secret relationship . Our composite mars is in cancer in the 12 house. One of my longest relationships featured a Lilith-Sun/Ascendant conjunction in synastry. He told me that had never happened to him before (referring to how we couldnt control ourselves). I dont know whether this situation is karma? People born with Chiron in the 12th house struggle with their psyche, spirituality, and vulnerability. We dont really grasp whats in the 12th until we spiritualize it, remove the ego from the planets function. We have our composite sun in 12th house, along with saturn. I thought that because of the 8th house or vertex, I forced him to confront his own dark side. With 4, 8 and 12 emphasized, youll have to deal with one another in an emotionally honest way, no matter what karma you have to work out together. Now we hate each other and nothing made sense. So much uncertainty and confusion!! Lilith (M) 5 58' Leo . Neptune is in the 4th, Libra. I didnt see him for a year after we split up and then ran into him last year out of nowhere. Transit Mercury in the 12th House Meaning, Transit Birth Chart, Mercury Astrology Free Interpretations . We both have natal moon in house 12. Have you any thoughts or words to share on the 12th house commonalities we have individually, and what impact it lends to us as a couple? Reply. Chiron in 12th House - Synastry and Meaning - Astro Majesty When your North Node is in the 12th house of your partner's natal chart, you will help the 12th house native become more spiritual and grow as a person. Transit Neptune in the Composite 12th House. We have Uranus, Mercury, Neptune, Saturn, North Node, Sun in the 12th. A share a composite chart with a stellium of planets (Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune) in the 12th house with cusp on Scorpio. What would you say about a composite Scorpio Juno in the 12th house, conjunct to the asteroid Valentine and squaring the north and south node? mars is trine composite sun, pluto, uranus jupiter and neptune- but square moon saturn. Often, Sun/Neptune relationships just fade away or dissolve without anyone knowing why. So beautifully written Dawn. People who fight for justice for others often have Juno prominent in the chart. It's time for the wave to return to the ocean. Overall, this is considered a favorable Lilith placement, as it is . It contains everything and nothing . I live a bliss and despair relation for about 2 years but definite we are totally different persons than before met each other (we are old enough!). I and my boyfriend have conjunction of mars-venus in twelfth house (taurus) closely conjuncting composite gemini ascendant. Sorry I cant get into too much detail here, but if your composite Sun is conjunct Saturn, Pluto and the Ascendant then you can only take comfort in the fact that the relationship is meant to be transforming and spiritually challenging. *Also in synastry- my 12th house Juno in Taurus also sits in his 12th house) You can use this to your . When we split up I cried every day for a month. Composite Neptune conjunct the angles (within 4 to 5 degrees) gives Neptune prominence in the relationship. I often was a bit too demanding of her when it comes to intimacy and I wonder if this is about me learning to let go. And I read from Stephen Arroyo that it is so important to see the traditional rulers of the signs , for example in Aquarius is more important to see Saturn than Uranus. what kind of compassion do you think can be generated from a composite mars in 12th house? This is okay, as long as we learn from those mistakes and adjust our steps. Thank you for this series of articles! I noticed you dont offer composite readings. But my heart and mind keep telling me to fight again. ? We are just in the beginning so should I try this relationship or just let it go? Once they have hammered out their imbalance (too little, too much is often a theme with the 12th) they must find a way to make something real of their inspiration. Unable to forget it? Lilith in 12th House Composite, Composite Lilith in 12th House You may find it challenging to express devotion and love for one another if Composite Lilith is in the 12th house. We challenge each other to be the best versions of ourselves. We romanticize all of this (and well, a little romance never hurt anyone) but the truth is that this familiarity is there to hurry up the bonding process so that the lessons and the challenges can be quickly assimilated. I would like to help you, but you would need a full analysis of the charts to know what is going on with this 12th house energy. Pluto, Sun, Venus & Mercury in the 12th/Virgo. Comparing composites to the biwheel between two charts is impossible, like comparing apples and oranges. Thanks for this very interesting article about that controversial 12th house and I totally agree with your final paragraph. Jupiter Rx in the 7th in Leo. The synastry can show the true about our relationship, and the Davison also but less than synastry, but the Composite chart can show almost nothing. Your email address will not be published. The composite with the Great Unrequired Impossible love of my life , shows Sun conjunct Neptune and SN , in Scorpio VII . I really appreciate your take on the 12th house; it definitely resonates as true, from my experience. Well, his descendant point, and his ascendant ruler both conjunct my natal Lilith in my12 th house, orb2. Love for loves sake wont fly with the 12th house. However, what happens when we join together as a couple/entity is reflected in the composite chart. And they might move next year to another town because of their son so I am already dying from the thought that I will not see him after that. The Mars/Neptune square did bring an element of slipperiness, but mostly irritating fibbing on his part. We both feel we have been together over many lifetimes. Is Your experience the same? Chiron. I cannot really make that happen now I dont know why but Im still thinking that he is my faith or not, everything is very confused. What is your thought on this. Together, they like to dive deeper and deeper into unknown and mysterious beliefs, cultures, territories, and ideas. You might have a relationship that was so intense, which left you hurting. He just wanted to keep it physical until one of us gets married with someone else. I am a strong 12th houser myself and it meant so much to me that we could live together and I never felt my precious solitude was infringed upon. 12th house issues are not always supportive. We have experienced together so much and it helps my mental developement so much and also your idea about loving and letting go interests me a lot. Hi WhitelotusI use both the Midpoint and the Davison charts in synastry. Most of my relationships are like that . Emotional Suppression. Im sure your midpoint chart is valid if you had it read properly. our composite mars-venus conjunction opposes composite uranus, sun, mercury all conjunct from seventh house. So much more needs to be considered. I was heart broken all over again. The fourth house is . And what does it mean our 12th. I was immediately flooded with emotion- I realized all at once how intensely close to him I was and needed to know if he was ok, etc. Beginning to look at our Composite Chart and come to find a Moon and Mars Conjunction in Leo 12th House. In synastry, his Pluto is in my 12th conjunct my ascendent tightly, and I have nothing in his 12th. But on the whole the midpoint chart is a chart about the essence and purpose of a relationship and the Davison chart is more about the external realities of a relationship. We were happy plutonicay together. It also works the other way. Mercury in 12th House. Ninety-three percent of her astro is in the 12th: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Lilith, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. (excuse my bad English) We went through hell together, we loved each other, we saved each other, we saved others together, we could practically feel and read one another. Learn how your comment data is processed. in the 12th house, you might be safe in assuming that there was a marriage or long-term relationship in a past life. I met her near the end of my Saturn return (Cancer in the 4th house) and I am aware of deep wounds in me around my need for nurturing and I wonder if my neediness in this area may have something to do with it all. This is my take on signs that have two rulersthere is a higher expression and a lower expression of the signs energy. Learn More. we have stellium-sun, venus, mercury in 12th house-composit chart(aries), mars in 11th house, moon in 6th, uran retrograde and pluto retrograte in 5th, jupiter retrograde and neptun retrograde in 7th house, south node conjuct regulus in 4th hause, vertex conjuct DC, saturn in 1th house. Because thats what it feels like! Mars is involved too, which would indicate that passion, anger and aggression can be triggered by the darker, more unconscious feelings that emerged when the . In our composite chart, Mars in 12th house Cancer square MC conjunct Mercury(10th) and the Sun, Venus(9th) & Mars square IC conjunct Saturn and Pluto(3rd). We are ignoring what the Source is asking us to do. Your emotions may also be cloudy and unclear at times, and your lack of boundaries may cause you trouble. The trauma you have experienced can be in relationships. In reality, 12th house people tend to believe it doesn't matter what they do. . Synastries (especially composite charts) are complicated and if confused (or you feel threatened) you should consult a professional. Composite north node (Aquarius) trine composite Saturn in Libra (which is conjunct his natal sun). Lilith in the 12th House. Together we share a Mars 12th. Saturn and Uranus both have a lot to say about Aquarius. We have Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Uranus in the 12th house in our composite chart. Im trying to figure it out. We have a Sun, Venus, Ceres, Node, Lilith and Fortune in 12th house. thanks you very much Dawn to shed some lights on this! 12th House in Astrology - Free Tarot Readings, Horoscopes and then mars, Jupiter and neptune in the 2nd. I would need a full synastry to really answer your question. Impossible to comment without seeing both charts. me and this guy who dont know each other properly have same ascendants and house cusps natally. I have learned to surrender much but our relationship isnt surviving, we cant let go altogether and cant seem to be together. Thank you for such an eloquent understanding, this has helped me. I can honestly say that I love this man from the highest level of my being, but I dont feel we belong together in a committed relationship. Your post was seemed most fitting for a romantic liaison. Find a way to bring the god down to the day to day world, so that it, too, is considered sacred. The synastry can show the true about our relationship, and the Davison also but less than synastry, but the Composite chart can show almost nothing. There are lots of couples with heavy 12th house influence who are out in the open. I have always been very attached to her and have had strong needs for physical intimacy which she has resisted. . IF THIS IS NOT A TRAGIC LOVE STORY THAN WHAT IS? great post- thank you! Like individuals with 12th house planets, couples with a lot of twelfth house may feel that there is something fated about their lives together. The Autumn Schedule is Here! We feel that our twelfth house planets dont work the way our other planets do, or the way that same planet seems to behave in other peoples charts. My sympathies. Its weird weird weird . We are mainly connected by a love of art, music and film. I have a 12th house Capricorn stellium and my husband and I also have a composite 12th house Capricorn stellium. We go down a lot of wrong alleyways. When Venus occupies the 12th house, it highlights a more mature and sophisticated expression of love. They help us understand that our capacity to love is its own reward. what can we do here? I dont have enough information, but the chart emphasis leads me to believe that you are right in your analysis, that the partnership finds its life in the upper houses. If anything new would happen you would dbe the first one to know! I read your article and its really touching! Wow, everything in this article is so accurate + written so beautifully. Maybe someone else on the page will have an answer for you. IP: Logged. Regine. Moon in Houses Synastry Meanings: 1st through 12th House Thanks. We also have Sun conjunct Saturn, Saturn trine Moon double whammy, Sun conjunct North Node double whammy, his venus conjunct my ascendant, My Mercury conjunct his ascendant, our moons conjunct in aries, Sun opposite Sun, Mercury opposite Mercury, and Venus opposite Venus, all within 3 degrees. . When synastry presents itself on the Pluto/Node conjunction, the partner to the Pluto person will instigate growth, either from a negative or positive stimulus. a strong karmic tie is indicated in the 12th house, or in the other water houses 4,8. I do all these within a synastry consulation. Your generation, the one with Pluto/Uranus opposite Saturn in Virgo/Pisces, came into this life with a huge burden. I cannot be happy with him (I feel happy but it doesnt last any longer) or without him. Composite Houses, I'll begin, of course, with the Ascendant and the first quadrant of the chart. The feelings I have are much deeper than lust and infatuation. Composite Houses: The First Quadrant - The Inner Wheel Im in hawaii for a month, after he broke up with me for the last time, trying to get my strength and sanity back and assure myself that you should not have to TRY so hard for things to work, when these 12th issues come up to work on. In my experience, the Davison chart reveals more of the day to day reality, and the midpoint chart reveals the inner working dynamic. Found the site while trying to decipher a stellium in a composite 12th house. The relationship has been on & off, again and again for 28 years. I am surprised I did not find it and comment earlier, as I am still haunted by the same relationship 2 years after it ended. The higher powers are always tapping at the door, insisting on change, cleansing, and renewal from within (Pluto/Uranus in Virgo), but how do you do that if your connection to the other world and the higher powers are full of fear and resistant to the necessary dissolving that must occur (Saturn in Pisces). But thank you for helping me face reality. His Saturn rules his moon and his ascendant, so it is a prominent planet, and as I said, he has Saturn conjunct his north node natally. my davison chart has our sun, mercury and pluto in the 12. frequently i hear what he says in my head before he says it. Loving and letting go, as well as maturing your love into a transcendant form of love where you are able to love so deeply that you give it the potential to annihilate you, yet you learn to let go and allow the natural changes in the state of our being has been a reoccurring theme of my life. The composite chart is probably the best known. Thank You very much for Your answer and very best regards from Hungary again! Weve known each other for a decade??? !.the telepathy is overwhelming me. There is a lot of love between us, much alignment in our dreams and life goals and a feeling of being soul mates and yet a strange disconnect emotionally that has us often feeling like we are on completely different wavelengths. It often helps to work together on projects they find meaningful, or to spend some time doing community or charity work. We fall, and find the world. Sometimes we will be asked to make leaps of faith. Mercury in the first is a good aspect to have because of the communication involved and the ability to think clearly regarding the relationship. Chiron In 12th House, Chiron In Twelfth House Meaning, Chiron In 12th I could love this man more than my husband who is a caring man and in a way very similar to this man. First of all, head to head to extended chart selection . We met one day and it was ON, mutual, and understood without saying word. What of mother-daughter pairs? My takeaway is that the two people involved would think the relationship was hidden (and something for just them) but its not really because of the nature of the Asc Conjunctions. 8th and 12th house seem to have haunted me for most of my life , Your email address will not be published. We also have 3 composite planets and an asteroid in house 8. I thought I had become delusional, making things up in my head. Since each of us share a natal 12th house dominion, then repeated in a shared composite strength, what you have said in your 12th house explanations all seem to feel so true. With Libra in 12th House, your past life may not be that pleasant. Venus (love) and Mars (sex) in the 7th House are a strong testimony as well. Ive seen couples with a heavy 12th house influence utterly befuddled and bedazzled by their lives (which dont go the way their friends lives go). Also, if the relationship is not a good one, Sun conjunct Neptune is prone to self-deception and confusion at best and outright deception and betrayal at its worst. Am i trapping my self? Gilly. One valuable lesson I learned is to refrain being attached to an outcome with him. where is very intense connection and I can feel things youve described but also I can see it as long term.. The Composite Chart Sun - Through the Houses - Galactic Mystic In my opinion the midpoint composite is not really true, because our midpoint chart doesnt show the very intense physical love what we live together. I am a pisces sun, mercury, mars. Composite Venus in the 12th House. or is it irrelevant ? Composite Pluto in the 12th House With Composite Pluto in the 12th house, you may struggle over power and control in ways that aren't obvious. I have gone through a long, long cycle of heartaches and have been able to slowly, heart-wrenchingly get over each and every one, except this guy. After our individual identity is explored through all the houses, in the 12th and final house, the personality dissolves into something larger. Just endings in general. I have read at least books regarding the 12th house, and its not easy to comprehend the needs of the 12th. Im kinda tired of dancing with men who enjoy attempting control and am tired of the endlessly unavailable creatures that keep crossing my path in life. Any insights you may have would be greatly appreciated! We feel it has a nebulous, yet mysteriously powerful influence on our lives when we have planets there, even though we cant quite fathom the type of influence it wieldsare we being seduced to a precipitous cliff by external forces, or are the demons within driving us to the edge? The attraction was instant. His 12th is in Pisces, along with his Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Hi Dawn. She becomes the energy that stands in our way even as she offers dark gifts. But someone who tells you they love you every day and tries to break up with you every month is clearly not. We have (taurus) mars-venus conjunction on the 12th house and it is so real in our life: we need so strong the deep intimacy and the so close physical and spiritual nearness together, and it is better for us to be alone together for our happiness.