Pale 'Nick Fury? Outstandingly written, Unatoned follows Auror Harry Potter who crosses paths with the Greengrass family while investigating a murder. Harry left his house at 8:45 am, and went right to the ministry, then onto the department of magical law enforcement. 14. In this fantastical Otome Game you will find, drama, intrigue, tragedy, and so much doki-doki that your heart may explode from excitement. Hermione Granger, his future sister-in-law. linkffn(Master Of Death And What It Means), linkffn(God Of Magic And Master Over Death). They presumably broke up later, as Percy married another woman. It was the name of several saints, including the founder of the Jesuits. He still needs to get around the idea that magic really exists. Who summoned you?" Harry has told me so much about you! It was also once stated by his brother Ron that "Percy wouldn't know a joke if it danced naked in front of him wearing Dobby's tea cosy". [18] Percy advised Harry Potter to take Muggle Studies and Divination for his third year, as he regarded them as the most useful. The Giant War was over. [13], Percy severed all ties with his family, wanting everyone to know that he had nothing to do with them. He says, "Tony, now it's not the time and place. 3. Why does he refer to him as Dad? Loki was, after all, a citizen of Asgard, not of Midgard. He also showed prejudice against his father's position in the Ministry, claiming when he disowned his family that he had to struggle against his father's reputation since he started working for the Ministry and that Arthur had no ambition which was why their family was always poor, even though the Ministry's prejudice against Arthur's Pro-Muggle leanings made them unwilling to promote him to a higher position. Thor nods in agreement. It's not enough that you subject me to watching it with you, must you bring it into The Avengers' meeting? Scrimgeour was using the visit as a pretence to have a talk with Harry, who was spending Christmas there. [13], Later that year during Christmas, Percy returned his traditional Christmas jumper to his mother unopened without a note, much to her distress, and neither visited his father in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries nor at least asked about him following his wounding by Nagini, much to Fred and George's fury. You can help with a lot of Stony stuff as well," teases Tony while he wriggles his eyebrows suggestively again. Series Prologue:After being procured from an unknown facility, Harry is faced with a choice, cooperate with this strange group, or to be institutionalized by the muggle government. During the summer of 1994, Percy worked diligently under Crouch, a man whom he admired and respected for his strict adherence to rules and his perfectionist attitude towards his work. Ask your brother what we talked about, I have been explaining the concept of fanfiction to him the whole night," answers Tony with less enthusiasm. ", "Well we couldn't really explain our lives otherwise" sneered Draco as he stepped into the lounge, "and it was against the conditions of us being granted amnesty.". Two weeks before the Quidditch World Cup, Percy passed his Apparition test. harry potter is nick fury's brother fanfiction . [23] An inquiry was held, and Percy got into trouble since it was felt that he should have realised that something was amiss with Crouch and informed a superior.[13]. I sometimes wonder whose side you're on. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1987-1994, and was both a prefect and Head Boy. I'm deeply hurt," Tony says that with the mock gesture again. You know that I created you. His mother was overjoyed to see him and immediately ran to hug him, while his father and siblings simply stared at him coldly. They later became brothers-in-law through Harry's marriage to Ginny. Fury glared at them for interrupting and they gulped. as well as Percy Ignatius "Perce" Weasley (b. [22] He had a sophisticated way of speaking, thinking it made him sound flamboyant, but he simply came off as pompous and grandiose. Following the downfall of Voldemort, Percy returned to work for the Ministry and became Head of the Department of Magical Transportation[7] under the new Minister for Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt. I know from sources that he'd actually just been fighting for his damn life, but I couldn't do anything.' Nick Fury & Harry Potter Characters: Nick Fury Harry Potter Tony Stark Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Clint Barton Thor (Marvel) Loki (Marvel) Draco Malfoy Wanda Maximoff Bruce Banner Steve Rogers Peter Parker Harley Keener James "Bucky" Barnes Pepper Potts Additional Tags: Harry Potter was Raised by Other (s) Harry Potter was Adopted by Other (s) In fact, Loki may watch it with you so you two can bond over your father issues." Harley was sat at Wanda's feet while Bucky was sat on the floor leaning slightly against Harry's legs. Vampires just don't sparkle. The Avengers wince once again thinking of the implication of Loki using fanfiction as a weapon. When he was eleven, he was sent off to Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. Harry finds out that his dad is alive, has been the whole time. [17], In his third year, Percy, along with his brother Bill, choose to study all five available elective subjects: Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Muggle Studies, Arithmancy and Study of Ancient Runes. [12] At some point in his fifth or sixth year, Percy began dating Penelope Clearwater, a Ravenclaw prefect, though he kept it a secret from his family, most likely to prevent his twin brothers Fred and George from mercilessly teasing him (which they did most of the time). I'm sure you don't mind looking at the Winchester boys all day. Steve asked suspicious of the child's identity. He said befuddled. [29] Later that year, when Gryffindor won the final match of the season, vs. Slytherin, Percy jumped "up and down like a maniac, all dignity forgotten."[30]. An otherworldly being trying to subjugate the planet would surely fit the bill, wouldn't it? So- you're going to do what I can't.' [25], In later life, Percy married a woman named Audrey, and the couple had two children, Molly and Lucy. ", Tony, who is bent to get back at Clint after his joke about Tony being gay, looks like a kid who is told that Christmas has come early. This was a tad worse than growing up in a cult. Afterwards, Percy helped Kingsley with completely reforming the Ministry, which included purging the corruptions Fudge had left. "How do you know I mentioned Hel instead of Hell? He went missing for over a year and it was only after this bitch of a nemesis decided to tell me, did I learn that this kid had been sentenced to prison for domestic terrorism and attempted murder. [22] However, his behaviour alienated him from his younger siblings, especially Fred and George, who were the exact opposite of him. [23], After severing ties with his family, Ron was the only one he contacted, congratulating him on becoming a prefect, and urging him to cut his ties with Harry Potter so that he would not be dragged down with him, although this only disgusted Ron even further. That was the only reason. [25], The Weasley family gathered round Fred's dead body, Over the years, Percy was particularly proud and protective of his youngest brother, Ron. I thought he would be happy with the no sex before marriage thing.". I'm sure you Asgardians and Steve won't know the reference. If only glaring could burn, there would be two piles of ashes where Clint and Loki used to be. I keep quiet because I don't want to hurt your feelings. Tearfully Reckless 105 pages March 1, 2018 Determined Mind How about your comment earlier about freedom of speech?" He married a woman named Audrey and had two daughters, Molly, named after her paternal grandmother, and Lucy. He puts his hand with mock expression of hurt in front of his heart or to be precise at the arc reactor. "Hell, no! It was the name of one of the Knights of the Round Table in Arthurian legend. Also known as For more information, please see our Despite this, however, Percy is not entirely without reason, as after the Ministry fell and was taken over by the Death Eaters, Percy finally realised his wrongs and admitted to them and apologised sincerely to his family, reconciling with them. Draco tase small conversation, causing Harry to shoot a sharp look at him. Tony seems to be offended by that and it seems the statement also causes some discomfort in Loki's part. Please consider turning it on! "Thor, don't pretend that you care. Harry meets reunites with Fury in-front of the avengers they are confused. Harry Potter dies alone and is given a chance to change things, for a price. This was in retaliation for Ron breaking Fred's toy broomstick. Bruce is already there since he's practically joined at the hip with Tony after the Loki incident. You even listen to and act on her recommendations and secretly hate my recommendations. But in the MCU, Fury is sensitive about the subject and doesn't want to talk about why he wears an eyepatch. Percy was distraught when Penelope was petrified in 1993, and immensely relieved when she was cured by Professor Sprout's Mandrake potion. A slip of a man popping into being and then offering them the chance of a life time. Scrimgeour exploited Percy's family connections to get close to Harry, and Percy was very uncomfortable with seeing his family again, as he had not planned to see them for the holidays. Perseus Jackson has seen it all. He had purple eyebags that seemed to be permanently bruised into his eyes and the worry lines he had furiously avoided seemed to have settled into his face. In June 1997, he attended the funeral of Albus Dumbledore with other Ministry officials, including Dolores Umbridge. ", By signing up on Inkitt, you agree to our. It is unknown what Percy thought of Crouch after the man had been found insane in the Forbidden Forest and participated in breaking out his criminal son from Azkaban, and it is unknown how Percy reacted when learning of his death. Fantasy Romance Watching The Movies Harry Potter Sister Oc Love Story It's the beginning of fifth year, and the Twins Who Lived, Harry and Leilani Potter, are eating dinner with their best friends, Ron and Hermione. During Ron's first year, Percy was extremely proud that he had beaten Professor McGonagall's enchanted chess set that guarded the Philosopher's Stone. [14], Percy spent the summer of 1993 in Egypt with his family visiting his eldest brother, Bill, after his father won 700 Galleons in the Daily Prophet Annual Grand Prize Draw. bellows Thor, he nearly jumps at Clint but Steve, who is sitting next to Thor, manages to press his right hand at Thor's shoulder. Fury stated heavily. Scabbers was handed down to his younger brother, Ron. Gender Ironically, this led to Percy's defection from his family. [22] He met her on platform 9, showing off his Head Boy badge, and, later in the year, wagered ten Galleons on the outcome of the Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw match, despite not actually having ten galleons. 'Draco?' 'Now, what I'm about to tell you is going to blow all your sheltered little minds.' Steve can't take it anymore, he says, "JARVIS, what has Tony promised to Pepper? Percy is a short form of the name Percival, which is derived from Old French, meaning "pierce the veil". Since this morning, Mr. Odinson has mentioned Loki five times, you mentioned him twice, Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff once each. He was also very pompous and when he wanted to get something, he sometimes only cared about himself rather than his family. [Source]. Loki says glaring at Tony. He was also present when Voldemort announced Harry's "supposed" death, looking shocked and saddened, as he had once again came to consider Harry a friend. In which John discusses his new novel (Paper Towns), the Nerdfighting antics of Harry and the Potters, the forthcoming punishment, and Academic Decathalon.HE. I may revise my opinion slightly as only Midgardians can think of such a sick concept," answers Thor with a fresh horror thinking he has to explain Thorki to Loki. The only solace in his suffering was the various anime and manga made available to him between experiments. Percy finally came to his senses when the Ministry fell to Voldemort, and he fought alongside Harry in the Battle of Hogwarts. Consequently, their battle escalates before it threatens the very existence of the planet. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. He took the rules very . "It's nothing compared to Wincest, at least you're not blood related. Reunited with his family, he stood alongside with the defenders of Hogwarts against the Death Eaters. He thought all you lot - muggles, were below them. He's even willing to fill in the paperwork in triplicate. "Fury why are we here? Steve has never seen Clint lose his cool. "You're an idiot and I'm angry but you're still my brother. [12], In his new duties as a prefect, Percy was responsible for the new first year Gryffindors, including bringing them to their dormitories on the first day, and to lead them to safety during Hallowe'en in 1991, following the arrival of a troll in the dungeons. Surprisingly, despite the trouble he was previously in, Percy was offered the position of Junior Assistant to Fudge himself. Skin colour C'est la faute d'Harry tout a, en plus il entrane d'honntes gens dans ses histoires ! Patronus She rolls her eyes and says, "Clint, enough with your Supernatural obsession! 4. Do you count weekends as well? Tony thankfully for once focuses on Loki's problem or at least the teasing of Loki. "Well, that's why you need me," Natasha answers with a smirk as she also lowers her guns. In a world where Harry Potter is the twin brother of the boy-who-lived, nothing is the same. Makes it hard to know who to fight for.' Draco gave an excited look. Now living together, the pair get along well. It still lingered in the minds of many Ava Welters has always wondered who her soulmates were she started to give up all of her friends ha F! Weasley familyPrewett familyHogwarts School of Witchcraft and WizardryGryffindorBritish Ministry of MagicDepartment of International Magical Co-operation (formerly)Department of Magical Transportation "Actually Voldie's dead and all the Death Eaters with the mark are in Azkaban" Fury sighed lowering the gun. Cookie Notice [22], After leaving school, Percy went to work at the Ministry of Magic, just as he had planned to, and was assigned to the Department of International Magical Co-operation under Bartemius Crouch Snr. [23] However, the twins' pranks were generally good-natured ribbing at his expense during Christmas in 1991, the twins forbade him from sitting with the other prefects, noting that Christmas was a time for family. Everyone has a timer that counts down until the moment they meet their soulmate.Too bad Nick Fury's never had good luck with things in his personal life because a hostage situation is probably not the best first meeting. He hopes Thor doesn't take it the wrong way. Even though Percy was already aware of Harry's ability to speak Parseltongue, it also ensured that he was easily swayed by Rita Skeeter's slanderous article about Harry being disturbed and dangerous, to the point that he no longer considered Harry trustworthy and disbelieved his claims of Voldemort's return. His mother went to London to try to talk with him, but Percy slammed the door in her face. [27], On 1 September, 2017, he was present on platform 9, discussing broomstick regulations, presumably seeing off one or both of his daughters to school. Wand He continues, "Capsicle, I'm hurt that you spend more time with Sharon than me. I'm his father and I met him this summer" Tony revealed proudly staring at Harry with a fierce protectiveness in his eyes daring Fury to try and take Harry from him. He could be dead. He has also appeared in the . "OK, that confirms the part where you said you were not actually here but who in their right mind would want to summon you?" Title(s) Everyone shut up, all on edge as they waited for Fury to give them another mission to save the world again probably aliens, mutants or robots they were the most common world-threatening events. It can also be short for Perseus, which is derived from Ancient Greek, meaning "destroyer". Percy denied this and remained steadfastly loyal to the Ministry's lie that Voldemort was not back, estranging himself from his family and furthermore condemning them for their support of and affiliation with Albus Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix. ', 'What? Harry Potter was sent to America on Ministry business, through this he meets Nick Fury, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury said pointedly, causing Harry and Draco to glare at him. "Basically Dumbledore's a manipulative bastard who believes you should do the right thing for the greater good and the Dark Lord Voldemort was of the opinion that you either bowed to him or died" Draco interrupted trying to provide context to the Avengers. asks Tony incredulously. He said that with a wink to Steve. [12] He tried to be a role-model for Ron and Ginny, but they took after the fun-loving twins. "Everyone- sit your asses down." [23], The 1994 Quidditch World Cup that Percy attended with his family and friends, Along with the rest of his family, he attended the Quidditch World Cup, and was embarrassed when Mr Crouch addressed him as "Weatherby" in front of his family. ", Tony says, "Yeah right, your knowledge of Midgardian must be so rich. Fred was surprised with his brother for making a joke after so long but the joyous mood was shattered when an explosion destroyed part of the corridor they were in and killed Fred. Do the twenty-four hours include yesterday? (n.) the act of loving in return. Found Family. Biographical information The Avengers didn't move, Harry wasnt a kid- he was a veteran. "Fury didn't just pop into existence?" "Oh finally, the Spangly soldier decides to grace us with his presence," Tony teases. Tony cursed, how was he supposed to be a genius if he wasn't given all the facts about the people living inside his tower. Affiliation [25], Following the end of the Second Wizarding War, Percy returned to the now-reformed Ministry of Magic, and became Head of the Department of Magical Transportation[11] under new Minister for Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt. He commanded as he strode into the room, stopping at the front as the group of heroes all scrambled to obey the order. I'm doomed! He later sat with his family in silence and mourning. Steve stared at the pair trying work out if Fury was also part of this cult.